CHAP. 44. |
or secured to be paid, before the commissioners shall proceed to
open and clear the same; and in case any proprietor or proprietors
shall conceive him, her or themselves, aggrieved by the valuation
of the said commissioners, it shall and may be lawful for the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, on the application of any
person interested, to issue their warrant, under their hands and
seals, to the constable of the hundreds where such lands may be,
commanding him to summon twelve freeholders, not interested in
the said lands, to appear on a day by them appointed, on the said
lands; at which time and place such freeholders, so summoned, shall
respectively appear before the said commissioners, and take the
following oath, to wit: " I, _____ _____, do swear, that
I will honestly,
" without prejudice or partiality, value the damages and injury
" that may be sustained by opening a road through the lands of
" _____ ____, in pursuance of this act of assembly," and shall return
an inquisition of such damages so assessed to the clerk of Baltimore
county court, and the damages so assessed shall be conclusive. |
To be paid by persons
benefitted. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons who
may conceive
themselves interested or benefitted by the said road, are hereby
required to pay, or secure to be paid, into the hands of the commissioners
aforesaid, or some one of them, for the use of the person
or persons in whose favour such valuation may be made, previous
to laying out and opening the road aforesaid. |
On neglect so to
do, old road declared
public. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the person or
persons who may
conceive themselves benefitted by the opening and clearing the said
road, shall neglect or refuse to pay, or secure to be paid, the damages
which may be assessed, to the person or persons through
whose lands the same may pass, then and in such case the old road
leading from Monkton mills, and passing through a gate on the
west side of John Orrick's plantation, and intersecting the main
York road at or near the Piney Hill, and heretofore used as a private
road, shall and the same is hereby declared to be a public
highway, and to be kept up and repaired in the same manner as
other public roads in the said county. |
An Act to open and make public a Road to Graceham, in Frederick
County. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 350. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition
of sundry inhabitants of Graceham, and its neighbourhood,
that great inconvenience arise from the want of a public road leading
from Apple's church to Graceham, and have prayed that a law
may pass authorising them to open the same; and the prayer of the
said petitioners appearing reasonable, therefore, |
appointed to lay
out and open a
road. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Frederick Eichelberger, Christian Harebaugh and Samuel Ogle,
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to lay out and open,
at the expense of the petitioners, a road not exceeding thirty feet
in width, to commence at a road near Apple's church, leading through
Smith's Gap in the South mountain, thence passing by a large spring,
commonly called Coppersmith's Spring, thence passing through
the lands of Casper Young and George Seise, to the north end of a
line of a tract of land called The Resurvey on Content, thence |