to wit, lot number 131, 132 and 221, situate in said county, containing
one half an acre each, to certain trustees in trust for the
Lutheran congregation of Elizabeth-Town: And whereas the congregation
as aforesaid hath lately been incorporated, agreeably to
an act of assembly, * entitled, An act to incorporate certain persons
in every christian church or congregation in this state, under the
name and title of The Vestry of the German Evangelic Lutheran
Congregation in and about Elizabeth-Town, at Saint-John's Church,
in Washington County, and have by their petition requested that a
title in fee-simple to the lots of ground above mentioned, may
be declared and confirmed to them and their successors: And whereas
there is good reason to believe that the said intention of the said
body corporate cannot be effected, in consequence of the remote and
scattered situation of the trustees as aforesaid, agreeably to the
of assembly in such cases made and provided; therefore, |
CHAP. 25.
* 1802, ch. 3. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the said lots of ground, with all and singular the appertenances
thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, which are now
vested as aforesaid in trustees for the use of said congregation,
shall be and the same are hereby absolutely and unconditionally
vested in the elders and wardens of the vestry of the German Evangelic
Lutheran congregation in and about Elizabeth-town, at Saint-John's
church in Washington county, and the successors of the
said body corporate, for ever, and they shall and are hereby declared
to be capable of bargaining and selling, leasing and conveying,
the said lots of ground, or any part or parcel thereof,
in as full and effectual a manner as any person or body corporate
may or can do. |
Lots now vested
in trustees vested
in the elders, wardens,
&c. |
An Act to Incorporate the Stockholders of the Hager's-Town Bank.
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 321.
Supplements, December 1813, ch. 158, and 1816, ch. 91. |
Passed Jan. 15, 1808. |
WHEREAS the president and directors of the Hager's
town Bank,
in behalf of themselves and other proprietors of stock in the said
bank, have petitioned this general assembly, setting forth, that
sundry persons, by articles of voluntary association, have contracted
and agreed, each with the other, to conduct and carry on
the usual operations of the banking system at Elizabeth-town, in
Washington county, under the name and style of The President,
Directors and Company, of the Hager's-Town Bank, and praying
that an act may pass to incorporate the stockholders of the said
bank: And whereas the agricultural and manufacturing interests
of this state may, by such an inquisition, be promoted, and the
prosperity thereof advanced; therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the said bank shall be and the same is hereby established at Elizabeth-town,
in Washington county, and the capital stock of the said
bank shall be limited to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
money of the United States, divided into ten thousand shares, of
twenty-five dollars each share, and that one thousand shares thereof
be reserved for the use and benefit of the state of Maryland, to
be subscribed for in such manner as the legislature may direct.
Bank established
—Capital. |