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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 622   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 109.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

1793, ch. 57.  An act respecting the punishment of criminals.  Continued by
    1802, ch. 106.  See 1799, ch. 58.  November 1809, ch. 138, and 1816, ch.

1794, ch. 6.  A supplement to an act, entitled, An act respecting the continuance
    of civil suits in the general and county courts.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1794, ch. 52.  An act relating to public roads in this state, and to repeal the acts
    of assembly therein mentioned.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1795, ch. 3.  An act for the destruction of crows.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1795, ch. 18.  An act to establish and regulate the market-house in the town of
    Cumberland in Allegany county.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1795, ch. 43.  A supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to public roads in
    this state, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned.  Continued
    by 1798, ch. 71.
1795, ch. 71.  A further additional supplement to an act to regulate the inspection
    of tobacco, and to continue certain parts of the said act, and the supplementary
    acts thereto.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71, and repealed by 1801, ch.
1796, ch. 8.  An act for the more effectual collection of the county charges in
    Allegany county.  Continued by 1802, ch. 106, and made perpetual by 1806,
    ch. 62.

1796, ch. 39.  An act for the destruction of crows in the several counties therein
    mentioned.  Continued by 1801, ch. 102.
1796, ch. 40.  An act to increase the allowance of the justices of the orphans

    courts, the commissioners of the tax, and the clerk to the commissioners, in
    the several counties of this state.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1796, ch. 60.  An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to
    public roads in this state, and to repeal the acts of assembly therein mentioned,
    as far as relates to Cecil, Talbot and Kent counties.  Continued by
    1798, ch. 71.
1797, ch. 6.  An act to encourage the destruction of wolves in Baltimore county.
    Continued by 1802, ch. 106.
1797, ch. 7.  An act to prevent the exportation of flour and salted provisions, not
    merchantable, from the port of Chester.  Continued by 1801, ch. 102.
1797, ch. 22.  An act to encourage the destruction of wolves and crows in the
    several counties therein mentioned.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87.
1797, ch. 50.  An act to make a temporary allowance to the judges of the general
    court, in addition to their permanent salaries.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87,
    and have ceased to have any operation since the act of 1804, ch. 55.

1797, ch. 53.  A supplement to the act respecting certificates of surveys made on
    the eastern shore.  Continued by 1801, ch. 102.  See 1797, ch. 107, and
    1798, ch. 114.
1797, ch. 59.  An act to alter the mode of collecting the county tax in Cecil
    county.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87.
1797, ch. 88.  An act relating to the records in the register of wills and clerks
    offices in Queen Anne's county.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87.
1797, ch. 90.  An act for the more effectual collection of the county charges in
    the several counties of this state.  Continued by 1802, ch. 106.
1797, ch. 94.  An act to ascertain the allowance to jurymen and witnesses of the
    general court, and the several county and orphans courts in this state.  Continued
    by 1800, ch. 87.
1797, ch. 115.  An act to enable the corporation of the city of Annapolis to lay a
    tax on the property within the said city, and the precincts thereof.  Continued
    by 1800, ch. 87.
1797, ch. 117.  A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of insolvent
    debtors, passed at March session, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four.
    Continued by 1798, ch. 71.  The principal act repealed by
    1817, ch. 183.
1798, ch. 4.  A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the destruction of
    wolves in Allegany county.  Continued by 1802, ch. 106.
1798, ch. 5.  A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to ascertain the allowance
    of jurymen and witnesses of the general and the several county and orphans

    courts in this state.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87.
1798, ch. 22.  An act for the destruction of wolves in Frederick county.  Continued
    by 1803, ch. 110.
1798, ch. 34.  A supplement to the act for the establishment and regulation of 
    levy courts in the several counties of this state.  Continued by 1801, ch. 102.
1798, ch. 86.  A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for establishing and securing
    the salary of the chancellor.  Continued by 1800, ch. 87.
1798, ch. 100.  A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate and discipline
    the militia of this state.  Continued by 1801, ch. 102, and 1802, ch. 106, and

    repealed by 1807, ch. 128.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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