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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 620   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 108.

Mayor to regulate
weights and measures.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

standard of weights and measures, and as much fraud imposition
may be practised from a want of such standard. BE IT ENACTED,
that the mayor and city council shall have and exercise the right of
regulating all weights and measures within the city, and precincts
aforesaid, by the present standard, until one shall be determine
on by congress.

Commencement.     4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall take effect and be
in force on and after the first day of February next.
Part of an act repealed.     5.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every provision of the act
to which is a supplement, that is inconsistent with this act, be
and the same is hereby repealed.

    There were sundry other sections, making alterations in the charter of Baltimore,
but they were not to have effect unless assented to be a majority of all the
members of the first branch of the City Council, in the first session after a new
election, which not having been done, the sections are omitted as having no operation.
See 1807, ch. 152.


Passed Jan. 27, 1806.
                                           CHAP. CIX.
An Act to continue certain Acts of Assembly.  Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 
Acts continued.     BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
and every act or acts of assembly which are limited by law to continue
to the end of the present session of assembly, or which would
expire during the same, or before the end of the next general assembly, 
be and they are hereby severally continued until the thirty-first
day of October next, and the end of the next session of
assembly thereafter, unless such as are repugnant to, or inconsistent
with, any law which may have passed during the present session
of assembly, and subject also to any alterations which have
been made therein.

By the above act the following acts were continued to the 30th October 1805, and to
    the end of the next session which should happen thereafter, subject to alterations,
    &c. which had been made therein, viz.

1744, ch. 20, An act for punishment of horse stealers, and other offenders.  Continued
    by 1802, ch. 106.  See 1799, ch. 61.
1745, ch. 15, An act for the guage of barrels for pork, beef, pitch, tar, turpentine,
    and tare of barrels for flour or bread.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1751, ch. 11, An act to make the testimony of convicted persons legal against
    convicted persons.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71.
1753, ch. 16.  An act for repairing the public roads in this province.  Continued,
    as to Saint Mary's. Calvert, Charles and Dorchester counties, by 1798, ch.
February 1756, ch. 12.  A supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act for repairing
    the public roads in this province.  Continued as 1753, ch. 16.
November 1766, ch. 25.  An act to oblige infected ships and other vessels, coming
    into this province, to perform quarantine.  Continued by 1799, ch. 55.
1769, ch. 18.  A supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act ascertaining the
    height of fences, to prevent the evil occasioned by the multitude of horses,
    and restraining horse rangers within this province, and to redress the great
    evil accruing to this province by the multiplicity of useless horses, mares and
    colts, that run in the woods.  Continued by 1799, ch. 55.
November 1770, ch. 4.  An Act to establish a market in Frederick-town, in Frederick
    county, and for the regulation of the said market.  Continued by 1798,
    ch. 71.
1771, ch. 15.  An act to prevent the exportation of flour not merchantable from
    George-town, in Frederick county.  Continued by 1798, ch. 71, and repealed
    by 1799, ch. 12.
1774, ch. 28.  An act for the relief of insolvent debtors.  Continued by 1798, ch.
    71, and repealed by 1817, ch. 183.
October 1778, ch. 21.  An act for amending and declaring the law in the cases
    therein mentioned.  Continued by 1799, ch. 55.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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