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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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of appeals hereby established, shall sit on the western and eastern shores for transacting
and determining the business of the respective shores, at such times and places
as the future legislature of this state shall direct and appoint; and any three of
the said judges of the court of appeals shall form a quorum to hear and decide in all
cases pending in said court; and the judge who has given a decision in any case
in the county court, shall withdraw from the bench upon the deciding of the same
case before the court of appeals. 
That one person of integrity, and sound judgment
in the law, be appointed chancellor.  That his state shall be divided into
six judicial districts, in manner and form following, to wit:  Saint-Mary's, Charles
and Prince-George's counties, shall be the first district; Cecil, Kent, Queen-Anne's
and Talbot counties, shall be the second district; Calvert, Anne-Arundel and Montgomery
counties, shall be the third district; Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset and
Worcester counties, shall be the fourth district; Frederick, Washington and Allegany
counties, shall be the fifth district; Baltimore and Harford counties, shall be
the sixth district; and there shall be appointed, for each of the said judicial districts,
three persons of integrity and sound legal knowledge, residents of the state of Maryland,

who shall, previous to and during their acting as judges, reside in the district for
which they shall respectively be appointed, one of whom shall be styled in
the commission Chief Judge, and the other two Associate Judges, of the district for
which they shall be appointed; and the chief judge, together with the two associate 
judges, shall compose the county courts in each respective district; and each judge
shall hold his commission during good behaviour, removable for misbehaviour on

conviction in a court of law, or shall be removed by the governor, upon the address
of the general assembly, provided that two-thirds of all the members of each house
concur in such address; and the county courts, so as aforesaid established, shall
have, hold and exercise, in the several counties of this state, all and every the powers,

authorities and jurisdictions, which the county courts of this state now have,
use and exercise, and which shall be hereafter prescribed by law; and the said
county courts established by this act shall respectively hold their sessions in the several
counties at such times and places as the legislature shall direct and appoint,
and the salaries of the said judges shall not be diminished during the period of their
continuance in office

    57.  That the style of all laws run thus:  " Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland."  That all public commissions and grants run thus:  " The
State of Maryland," &c. and shall be signed by the governor, and attested by
the chancellor, with the seal of the state annexed, except military and militia
commissions, which shall not be attested by the chancellor, or have the seal of
the state annexed.  That all writs shall run in the same style, and be tested,
sealed and signed, as usual.  That all indictments shall conclude, " against
the peace, government and dignity of the state."

    58.  That all penalties and forfeitures heretofore going to the king, or proprietary,
shall go to the state, save only such as the general assembly may abolish
or otherwise provide for.

    59.  That this form of government, and the declaration of rights, and no part
thereof, shall be altered, changed or abolished, unless a bill so to alter, change
or abolish the same, shall pass the general assembly, and be published at least
three months before a new election, and shall be confirmed by the general assembly 
after a new election of delegates, in the first session after such new election;
provided that nothing in this form of government, which relates to the
eastern shore particularly, shall at any time hereafter be altered, unless for the

    (s)  This division of the state into judicial districts was made by the same act of 1804, ch. 55,
confirmed by 1805, ch. 16, and has become a part of the constitution.


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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