CHAP. 105. |
large to admit the passage of a wagon, that the stock of every description
of said Hunt may pass to and from the water of Jones's
Falls, and that Job Hunt or Phineas Hunt, their heirs or assigns,
may have permission to cross the said road with wagons, carts,
stocks, &c. as often and at any time they may think proper, without
let, hindrance or molestation, from the aforesaid company, or
any of their agents. |
Commissioners appointed
to review
location of road. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Thomas Rutter,
Doctor John
Cromwell, Robert Porter, William C. Goldsmith and Benjamin
Talbot, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to review
the location of the road as above directed, and in case the said commissioners
shall be of opinion that the location as above directed is
not the most eligible and advantageous, then it shall and may be
lawful for the said commissioners to alter the location thereof, and
adjudge and establish such direction, as in their opinion shall be
adviseable or advantageous to the community, and all parties interested,
having regard to the location established by the original act
of incorporation. |
Passed Jan. 25, 1806. |
An Act respecting Writ of Error Bonds. Lib. TH. No. 1,
fol. 162. |
Register, until
chancellor is appointed,
to determine
on sufficiency
of securities on
writ of error bond. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
until a chancellor of Maryland shall be appointed and shall qualify
as such, it shall and may be lawful for the register in chancery to
consider and determine on the sufficiency of the securities mentioned
in any writ of error bond, and all bonds approved by him, during the
period aforesaid, shall have the same effect and operation, to every
intent and purpose whatsoever, as if the same had been approved by the
chancellor. |
Passed Jan. 25, 1806. |
An Act relative to Sheriffs and Constables. Lib. Th. No.
1, fol. 162. |
Sheriffs, &c. not
to purchase debts. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of April next, it shall not be lawful for
any sheriff or deputy sheriff, or for any constable, within this state,
during the time they respectively act as such, to purchase in any
debt due from any person or persons residing, or who shall reside,
at the time of the transfer or assignment of such debt to such sheriff
or constable, within the county or hundred within which such
sheriff or constable is authorised to serve process for the recovery
of debts, whether such debt shall be due on judgment, bond, note
or open account, unless such purchase, assignment or transfer,
shall be made to such sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable, for a bona
fide debt before that time due and owing to him from the person
making such assignment or transfer. |
To suits for such
debts, general issue
pleadable, &c.
and judgment for
defendant. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or
persons shall be
sued or warranted by any sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable, or by
any other person for the use of such sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable,
to recover any sum or sums of money which shall have been purchased,
assigned or transferred as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful
for such person to plead the general issue, and give this act and
the special matter in evidence, and if on the trial it shall appear
that such debt has been purchased in, assigned or transferred over,
to such sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable, contrary to the provisions |