present session of assembly, or before the end of the next general
assembly, shall be and the same are continued until the end of the
next session of general assembly, subject to any alterations
which have been made therein. |
CHAP. 108. |
An Act to extend the powers of the Trustees of the Poor of Montgomery
County. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 701. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1805. |
WHEREAS Andrew With, of Montgomery county, by his
to this general assembly hath set forth, that he is now upwards of
eighty years of age, and very poor, and that by reason of many
bodily infirmities he is rendered unable to obtain a livelihood by
labour, and praying to be supported out of the poor-house of said
county; and the prayer of the said petitioner appearing reasonable,
therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the poor of Montgomery
county, if they shall be of opinion that the peculiar circumstances
of the said Andrew With are such as to render a situation
in the poor-house particularly unsuitable for him, to support him as
an out-pensioner, in addition to the number now allowed by the
act, (a) entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of the
poor in the several counties therein designated, and to allow to the
said Andrew With an annual pension, not exceeding thirty dollars,
to be paid at such time as the said trustees shall direct, the amount
of which said pension shall be levied in the same manner as the
other expenses of the poor-house in the said county.
(a) 1799, ch. 65. See 1800, ch. 73. |
Andrew With may
be supported as an
out-pensioner. |
An Act for the relief of sundry Insolvent Debtors. Lib.
JG. No. 4,
fol. 701.
See 1805, ch. 110, s. 19. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1805. |
WHEREAS Elizabeth Keech Cartwright and James Chapplear,
of Saint-Mary's county; James Cruishank, Jacob Falconar, William
Smith and Anne Dorsey, of Kent county; David Hopkins,
Thomas King, Joshua Marriott, junior, John Rainer, Joseph Marriott,
junior, Horatio Johnson, Singleton Warfield and William
Welling, junior, of Anne-Arundel county; Henry Hagan, John F.
Beall, Philip T. Briscoe, Jonathan S. Hardesty, Levy Butler and
James Doyle, of Charles county; John Lowry, John Brown, Thomas
Kerr, Charles Boker, William Beatty, Isaac Smith, Benjamin
Rhodes, Alexander Davidson, James Maydwell, of Alexander,
Daniel Sitler, William Williams, Peter Houzelot, Peter Stewart,
Joseph Perrigoy, John Haslam, Josias Slade Bull, Francis Loudenslager,
Benjamin Arnold, Casper Cooke, Christopher Randall,
Elisha Stansbury, Ralph McCreery, John Bell, Thomas Vaughan,
Francis Mottee, Thomas Brown, Washington Johnson, George
Maxwell, Sherdin Vaughn and James Irvin, of Baltimore county;
William Stevens, junior, Benjamin Willmot, James Turner, James
Roper, John Vickers, James Barnes, James Cowan, Thomas Ozment,
John R. Bromwell and John Simmonds, of Talbot county;
Bennett H. Glarvoe, Munucan Walker, Tubman Pollit, John Miller
alias John Hogskin, and Nathan Newton, of Somerset county; |
Preamble. |