CHAP. 51. |
to the Pennsylvania line towards Hanover-town, and through Westminster
to the Pennsylvania line towards Petersburgh, (a) as shall
be agreed upon by a majority of the stockholders; and one other
company for making a turnpike road from Baltimore towards Yorktown
to the Pennsylvania line.
(a) By 1805, ch. 67, the road
may be extended from Westminster to Taney-town,
to Emmitsburgh, and thence to the Pennsylvania line. |
books to be opened.
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books
be opened for
a capital stock of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty dollars each, and that subscriptions be taken in
for one hundred thousand dollars of the same at the city of Baltimore,
under the direction of James Carey, Luke Tiernan, George
F. Warfield and Francis Hollingsworth; for fifty thousand dollars
at Frederick-town, under the direction of John Schley, Henry Ridgely
Warfield and David Levy; for twenty thousand dollars at Middle-town,
under the direction of Frederick Stemple, Joseph Swearingen
and Samuel Shoup; and for fifty thousand dollars at Elizabeth-town,
under the direction of Thomas Sprigg, Nathaniel Rochester,
Charles Carroll, Jacob Zellar and Elie Williams, for the first
before-mentioned road; and for a capital stock of one hundred
and sixty thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, at the
city of Baltimore, under the direction of William Owings, Solomon
Etting, David Williamson, Edward Johnson, doctor John
Cromwell and Charles Carnan, for the second before-mentioned
road; and for a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty dollars each, at the city of Baltimore aforesaid,
for the third before-mentioned road, under the direction of James
Winchester, Joseph Thornburg, Thomas McEldry, Nicholas Merriman,
of Elijah, and David McMechen, who are hereby appointed
commissioners for the purposes aforesaid; who shall, for each of
the companies for which they are respectively appointed, on or before
the first Monday of April next, procure books, and in each
enter as follows, to wit: " We, whose names are hereunto subscribed,
do promise to pay to the president, managers and company, of
the, (here insert the name of the company,) the sum of twenty dollars
for every share of stock in the said company set opposite to
our respective names, agreeably to an act of the state of Maryland,
entitled, An act to incorporate companies to make several turnpike
roads through Baltimore county, and for other purposes. Witness
our hands, this _____ day of _____, eighteen hundred and _____," and
shall give notice in two of the public news-papers in Baltimore, one
in Easton, and both in an English and German news-paper in Frederick-town
and Elizabeth-town, for one month at least, of the
times when, and places where, the said books will be open to receive
subscriptions of stock for such respective company or companies,
at which times and places at least two of the said respective
commissioners shall attend for each of the said respective companies,
and shall permit and suffer all persons who shall offer to subscribe
in person, or by attorney duly authorised, in the said books,
which shall be kept open for that purpose at least four hours every
day, Sundays excepted, for the space of three days, if three days
shall be necessary; Provided nevertheless, that the said commissioners
shall not permit any one person or company to subscribe for
more than twenty-five shares during the first day on which the said |