1. RESOLVED, That the Acts and Resolutions
passed during the present
session be included in the edition of the Laws now compiling under the
of the last General Assembly, and agreeably thereto.
2. RESOLVED, That there be inserted in the
Appendix, or prefixed to the
laws contained in the third volume, the Declaration of Rights, and the
and Form of Government, as they are considered to stand, by ingrafting
in the sections to which they respectively refer, the alterations made
by successive
laws, and those which have arisen under the constitution of the United
3. RESOLVED, That there be inserted also in
the Appendix, the style of
the sessions, and the titles of all acts, in the order in which they passed,
the first settlement of the Province, down to the year sixteen hundred
and ninety-two,
as they appear in Bacon's edition of the laws, being the style of the
sessions, and the titles of acts not included in the former edition of
the laws
compiled under the resolutions of seventeen hundred and ninety-eight.
4. RESOLVED, That there be inserted also in
the Appendix, the several
acts in force relating to the Court of Chancery, and enlarging the equity
of the County Courts.
5. RESOLVED, That the Governor and Council
cause the Laws now compiling
to be distributed and forwarded as follows:
To the Court of Chancery, one copy,
To the Chancellor, one copy,
To the Court of Appeals for the Western Shore, one copy,
To the Court of Appeals for the Eastern Shore, one copy,
To each of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, one copy,
To each County Court, one copy,
To each Associate Judge, one copy,
To each Orphans Court, one copy,
To Baltimore City Court, one copy,
To each Judge thereof, one copy,
To the Judge of the Land Office for the Eastern Shore,
one copy,
To the Land Office for the Western Shore, one copy,
To the Land Office for the Eastern Shore, one copy,
To the Treasurer of the Western Shore, one copy,
To the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore, one copy,
To the Auditor, one copy,
To the Executive, one copy,
To the Senate, two copies,
To the House of Delegates, ten copies,
To the Library of Congress, two copies,
To the Secretary of State, one copy, and
To each State, one copy,
To the Baltimore Library Company, one copy,
To the Public Academies in the several Counties of this
State, one copy.
6. RESOLVED, That the remaining copies, not
herein directed to be distributed,
be deposited in the council chamber, subject to the future disposition
of the legislature.
VOL. 1.