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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3185   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.








or neglecting to perform the duties, to forfeit
and pay a sum not exceeding 100 dollars for every
offence, to be recovered by indictment, &c.

    The register in chancery, or the clerks, not to
make up the record of any judgment, decree, or judicial
proceedings, not relating to real estates, unless
required in writing by some person interested, &c.
    Any person requiring an exemplification or official
copy of a record of such judgment, decree or
judicial proceeding, the clerk or register may grant
and certify the same, &c.
    The register or clerk to transcribe in a fair and
correct manner, in a well bound book procured for
that purpose, the counties of the court, &c. instead of
making up the records, the judgements, &c. and on
neglect or refusal to forfeit a sum not exceeding $100
for every offence, to be recovered by indictment,
    Directions relative to their compensation,
    See County Courts.

    See County Clerks.  Register in Chancery.

    The chancellor empowered to direct the sale of 
any remainder or reversion on lands in this state belonging
to minors residents out of the state and the
United States, for payment of debts due from the
persons from whom they derive such remainder or
    Powers of the chancellor or county courts where
infants are seized of a reversion, &c.
    Where a person is entitled to the remainder after
the life estate, the like proceedings shall be had as
are directed with regard to a person entitled to an
undivided part of an intestate's estate, subject to a
tenancy by the curtesy,

    To have all the benefits and advantages given to
complainants by the act of 1806, ch. 55, s. 1.

    See Remainder and Reversion.

    See County Courts.


    On application by a representative of a person deceased,
who shall have contracted for the sale and
conveyance of lands, and not performed the same,
and shall have devised or left them to descend to persons
under age, &c. if the said representatives are
immediately interested in having a specific performance,
the chancellor may decree the same as in
other cases by the act of 1773, ch. 7.
    Manner of decreeing a foreclosure or sale of mortgaged
property possessed by persons under age,
idiots, lunatics, or non compos mentis,

——  Directions respecting the terms of sale,
    The chancellor empowered to appoint a person to
sell real or personal estate left to be sold for payment
of debts or other purposes, where no person has been
appointed by will to sell, or the person appointed
neglects or refuses, so that a sale cannot be made,
    In case of persons dying without leaving personal
estate to discharge their debts, and leaving a real estate
to descend to a minor, idiot, lunatic, or a person
non compos mentis, or who shall become so, or devising

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1817    119    7

            ——      —    8

            ——      —  —

            ——      —    9
            ——      —  10

            1790      38    2

            1816    154  18

            1786      45    8
            Note (f)

            1811    189

            1791      79    4

            1785      72    1
            ——      —3,9

            ——      —    4

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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