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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3174   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.


  By consent of the widow the whole may be
sold, and her proportion awarded by the court issuing
the commission,

    An appeal given from the judgment of the county
court to the chancellor, but not from his decision
  From original decisions by the chancellor to the
court of appeals,
    Notice to be given by the commissioners,
    A guardian to be appointed by such courts for the
purpose, in the case of a minor who has none,
    The proceedings not to be set aside for matter of
    If the estate consist of things indivisible in their
nature, then the rule of the common law as to the
enjoyment thereof shall take place,
    Proviso as to citizens being out of the state,
    How purchaser to obtain a division where any of
the heirs of a person deceased without a will shall
sell their right, and he and the other heirs cannot 

    Where commissioners appointed, and determine
that the estate cannot be divided without loss, and the
court confirm the return, the person electing to take
the estate at the valuation, to give bond, &c.

  If any person entitled to make election be absent,
notice to be given, and upon nonappearance
how to proceed, &c.

  If any person entitled to make election be an idiot,
&c. the person next entitled authorised to elect, &c.

  Bonds taken for the valuation to be a lien on the
land, &c.

  Where election hath been made, and the valuation
paid, the commissioners to execute a deed, &c.

    If the eldest male child be not of age to make election,
then the eldest female, if of age, to elect to take
the land at the valuation, &c.

    Commissioners to lay off the part of a tenant or tenants
by the curtesy before they proceed to divide or
value the lands, and make return of such location of
such tenancy a part of their return, &c.

  Such return to be confirmed or rejected by the
chancellor or county courts as the case may be,
    If any person shall become entitled, as tenant by
the curtesy, to any part, after the commissioners
have made return, and before a sale or division, the
court shall direct the commissioners to alter their return,
    In case of sale, &c. the commissioners shall proceed
to sell the whole, disencumbered by any tenancy
by the curtesy,
    The chancellor or county court to award to the tenant
by the curtesy such proportion of the purchase
money as he or they shall think just, to be governed
by the age, &c. of such tenant,
    If the parties entitled cannot agree upon a division,
or if there be a minor, the commissioners to divide
the estate into as many parts as it is susceptible of
without injury, and to ascertain the value of each
part; and if the judgment of the commissioners be
confirmed, the right of election to take the several

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1786      45   8
            Note (f)

            1786      45    8

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            1786      45    8
            Note (a)

           1786      45    8
            Note (d)

            1786      45    8
            Note (d)

            1786      45    8
            Note (b)

            1786      45    8
            Note (e)

            1786      45    8
            Note (d)

            1786      45    8
            Note (d)

            1786      45    8
            Note (f)

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3174   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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