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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3172   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.











    Provision made for the payment of creditors by
mortgage or the creditors of deceased persons, by
decree of the chancellor,

    Creditors after the date of a deed not recorded in
time, shall not be affected by a decree to record such
    On patents issuing for lands escheated, creditors
empowered to file then bill against the state, and the
proceedings therein directed,


    Deeds ordered to be recorded by the chancellor
after the time elapsed, shall not affect purchasers or
creditors after the date, and before such recording,

    Directions as to the manner of paying debts due
from a deceased person's estate by executors or administrators,

    A decree of the chancellor for a conveyance, release
or acquittance, (in case of refusal or neglect to
comply,) shall have in all courts the same effect as if
——  Directions for serving copies of decrees and obtaining
execution thereon,
    ——  Demand not necessary to entitle to party to
    Decrees of the county courts to compel specific
performances of contracts, &c. to have the same effect
as decrees of the chancellor, &c.
    See Chancery.  County Courts.

    See County Courts.

    Terms on which deeds may be decreed to be recorded
after the time limited by law is elapsed,
    Directions respecting the recording of deeds
where the grantor, &c. resides out of the state,
    See Conveyances.

——  How to be taken and returned under under the act establishing
a mode to perpetuate,
——  How to be taken by commission from the
chancery court,

——  How to be taken by commission from county

    If any person seized of an estate in lands, tenements
or hereditaments, lying or being in this state,
in fee simple, or fee simple conditional, heretofore or
hereafter acquired, or of an estate in fee tail to the
heirs of the body generally, created and acquired
after the commencement of this act, shall die intestate,
such lands, &c. shall descend to the kindred male and
female of such person in the order therein prescribed,
——  No right shall vest in any persons other than
children, and their descendants, unless such person
is in being, and capable in law to take as heir at the

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1785  72 1 to 9
            —— 78
            1789      46
            1790      38
            1794      60
            1795      88    2
            1797    113
            ——   114

            1785      72  11

            1794      60    6

            1785      72  11

1798, No. 101   14    6

            1785      72  13

            ——    Enbsp;  25

            1818    193    4

            1815    163    2

            1785      72  11
            1791      79    2
            1792      41    3

July    1779        8    8
            1785      72  14
            1795      88    4
            1799      79    6
            1815    163    4
            1818    193  13

            1786      45    2

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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