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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3155   View pdf image (33K)
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                                        INDEX TO THE RESOLUTIONS.





    Resolution relinquishing to him the state's right to a
certain parcel of land in Allegany county, &c.

    Resolution relinquishing the state's right to the above
named land to Jacob Workman, &c.

    Resolution in his favour,


    Resolution in his favour,

        Session  No.

            1805        7

            1805        7

            1812      38

            1816      26


                                                RESOLUTION OMITTED

                                                                    OCTOBER SESSION, 1780.

    Whereas on the twenty-fifth day of March, 1779, the house of delegates did resolve, " that the
officers who now are, or shall hereafter be, in the Maryland line, and who shall continue in
the service till the end of the present war, shall, unless they should thereafter resign or be
cashiered for mal-conduct, be entitled to half pay during their lives, and that the same commence
at the end and expiration of the seven years heretofore provided for by congress; and
that the widows of all such officers as are or shall be entitled to the half pay as aforesaid, shall
receive the same pay during their widowhood, that their husbands were or would have been entitled
to," but no express provision was thereby made for the officers of the quota of this state
of the troops in the continental service, other than those of the Maryland line aforesaid; it is
    Resolved, That all the officers of the quota of this state of the troops in the continental service,
and their widows, shall be entitled, and on the same footing, as the officers of the Maryland
line, and their widows, under the said recited resolves,
    Resolved, that any officer of the quota of this state of the troops in the continental service,
who hath been, or may hereafter be, disabled, by loss of limb, or any wound, from performing
military duty, and shall resign his commission in the continental army before the end of the
war, shall be entitled, from the time of his resignation, to the provision made by the said recited
resolves, agreeable to his commission at the time od his resignation, and his widow after his
death, as if such officer had continued in the service to the end of the war.


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3155   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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