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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3142   View pdf image (33K)
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                                        INDEX TO THE RESOLUTIONS.






    2.  Resolution directing them to be transcribed, &c.
    See Governor and Council, 8, 9, 10, 50.
——  County Court Judges, 1.
——  Chancery Record Books
——  Public Records.

    1.  Resolution requiring the present and all future registers
of the land office to keep in a well bound book a
general alphabet of the records, &c.
    2.  Resolution authorising the governor and council to
ascertain their state, &c.

    Resolution directing him to issue patent, &c. to Thomas
Berry, &c.

    Resolution authorising the governor and council to
cause to be fitted up for his use the unappropriated room
in the west corner of the stadt house, &c.

    1.  Resolution directing him to make out a patent to
William Read,
    2.  Resolution directing him to make out patent to Thomas
Hyde on his certificate resurvey,
    See Governor and Council, 9.
    3.  Resolution directing him to issue patent to Edward
    4.  Resolutions directing the correction of records belonging
thereto by the register, if necessary,
    5.  Resolution directing him to issue patent to Thomas
Renshaw, &c.
    6.  Resolution directing him to receive into his office
the patent issued to Jacob Baltzell, &c. to erase the word
"Jacob," and insert "Charles," &c. to alter the record
books, &c.
    7.  Resolution directing him to issue patent in the name
of Elizabeth Menkey, &c.
    8.  Resolution authorising him to receive as an office
paper a certificate of resurvey of a tract of land called
"John's Adventure," &c.
    See Sterrett, John, and others, 1.
    9.  Resolution directing him to receive into his office the
patent heretofore issued to John Maddox, &c.
    10.  Resolution empowering him to make out a general
alphabet of all the records in his office, &c.
    11.  Resolution authorising him to lay before the auditor
his account for his services, &c.
    12.  Resolution making it the duty of the present and
all future registers to keep in a well bound book a general
alphabet of the records in the land office, &c.
    13.  Resolution directing him to cause the general alphabet
of patents, &c. to be transcribed, &c.
    14.  Resolution authorising him to receive into his office
the certificate of resurvey for a tract of land called "Willew
Enlarged," &c.
    See Governor and Council, 33.
    15.  Resolution directing him to issue patent in fee to
Cornelius Manning, &c.
    See Governor and Council, 50.
   16.  Resolution directing treasurer to pay him for transportation 
of certain papers, &c.
    17.  Resolution directing him to receive in his office a
patent heretofore issued to Samuel Price, &c.
    18.  Resolution authorising him to correct a mistake in
lot No. thirty three hundred and fifty eight, westward of
Fort Cumberland, &c.
    19.  Resolution directing him to issue patent to Elizabeth
Haner, &c.
    20.  Resolution directing him to grant patents to Ann
Parnham and George D. Parnham, &c.

        Session  No.

            1814      17

            1804      23

            1806      20

            1799        4

            1807        8

April   1783        2

            1784        3

            1792        1
            1798        2
            1799        2

            1800        2

            1801        3

            ——       4

            ——       6

            1804      12

            ——      21

            ——      22

           ——      23 

            1806      19

            ——      22

            1809      23

            1814      17

            1815        2

            ——        4

            1816        7

            1817      45

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3142   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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