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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3108   View pdf image (33K)
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                                            INDEX TO THE RESOLUTIONS.










    5.  Resolution requesting the governor and council to
procure some safe depository, &c.

    See Arsenal at Annapolis.
    6.  Resolution authorising the governor and
council to make application to the officers, &c.
for return of arms, &c.
    7.  Resolution appropriating money for the purchase
    8.  Resolution rescinding the resolutions of June 1812
No. 7, and May 1813, No. 4,
    9.  Resolution relative to the collection thereof, &c.
    10.  Resolution relative thereto,

    1.  Resolution directing all that are in the magazine at
Frederick to be sold for the use of the state,

    2.  Resolution directing all in the armouries at Easton,
and Annapolis, to be sold for the benefit of the state,
    3.  Resolution directing the calling in the public arms
which were drawn out of the armoury at Frederick for the
western expedition,
    4.  Resolution authorising the executive to have the
word "Maryland" marked on all arms, &c.

    Resolution authorising the governor and council to appoint
a fit person to take care of the arms therein, &c.

    Resolution authorising the repair thereof, &c.

    Resolution in his favour,

    1.  Resolution directing him to countermand process
against the purchasers of land from the late intendant of
the revenue,
    See West, William, &c.
    2.  Resolution directing him to strike off no suit at the
instance of the state before the fees are paid,
    3.  Resolution directing him to discontinue the action
of trespass, &c. against George Tull, &c.
    4.  Resolution directing him to discharge John Goslee
from a certain execution, &c.
    5.  Resolution directing him to enquire into the legality
of the adjudication of the commissioners as to the lines of
"My Lady's Manor," &c.
    6.  Resolution directing him to enquire into the legality,
    7.  Resolution directing him to institute an action of
trespass, &c. against the heirs of Col. Ryder, &c.
    See English Statutes, 1.
    See Key, Philip Barton, 2.
    See Governor and Council, 74.

    1.  Resolution relative to them,
    2.  Resolution relative to filling up vacancies, &c.

    See Governor, 28.

    1.  Resolution relative to his duties,
    2.  Resolution empowering him to settle and adjust all
open and unsettled accounts between the state of individuals,
    3.  Resolution directing the auditor and agent to keep
distinct accounts of their proceedings, &c.
    See Governor and Council, 6.

    Resolutions in his favour,

        Session  No.

            1809      27

June    1812        3
            1815       49

May   1813         4

            1815      50
            1816      64
            1818      14

            1795        7

            1795        9

            1795      10

June    1812        2

            1810      17

            1810      13

March 1778       4

            1787        7

            1789        7

            1792        2

            1792        3

            1791        3

            1792        6

            1792        8

February 1777   1
                 1777   7

March 1778       1

            1790        8

            ??      10

            1798        4

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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