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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3102   View pdf image (33K)
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                                        INDEX TO THE LAND LAWS.


    —— Upon confirming the judgment of the land
commissioners, to assess the costs and award execution
against appellant, but upon reversal to mark, or
cause to be marked, such other boundaries, &c. as to
them shall seem fit, and cause three plots and certificates
to be made out, one for each of the parties, the
other to be recorded, &c. to assess all costs and damages
that accrue upon review, and also all costs and damages
which appellant suffered by judgment, &c. of
the land commissioners, and order execution, &c.
    —— Upon such reversal, and ascertaining the bounds,
&c. to put the appellant into quiet possession, &c. with
a saving to all persons who have a better right, &c.
    The judgment, order and decree, of any commissioners
of review, shall be final, saving to all persons
their right of appeal, &c.
    Where any of the commissioners of review are related
to any of the contending parties, or any ways interested,
&c. the commissioner not interested may
call to his assistance one or two freeholders of the
same county, who after qualifying, may proceed in the
same manner as the said commissioners could or might
have done had they not been related, &c. like method
to be observed when choice is made of land commissioners
upon the first view, &c.
    Where the lines of lands in dispute run into the next
adjacent county, or where it may be necessary to run
the lines of some lands lying in such county, in order
to find the true bounds of the lands in controversy,
commissioners of review or land commissioners, may
run out such fines, and settle the bounds in dispute, &c.
    Commissioners of review to meet at their respective
court houses the second day of every court, to receive
appeals from the judgment of the land commissioners,
    Commissioners of review allowed the sum of one
hundred pounds of tobacco, for each day they shall attend
for the determination of such appeals, &c.
    Where any of the land commissioners of review, or
any commissioners appointed on the first view, shall
refuse or neglect to attend at the time and place appointed,
(after having qualified, &c.) without a reasonable
excuse, shall be fined five hundred pounds of
tobacco, to be recovered by action of debt, &c. and
applied to the support of public schools, &c.
    Oath to be taken by commissioners of review, &c.
    Where persons are under execution for any costs
or damages awarded by the commissioners of the first
view, and wish to appeal to the commissioners of review,
the sheriff in whose custody such person is, shall
discharge such person upon his giving good security
for such costs and damages, &c.
    Commissioners appointed, upon any view or review,
to have recourse to the table of marriages to ascertain
what person or persons shall be accounted of kindred
to the parties, &c.




    (Of London, merchant,) a certain lease confirmed to


        Session  Ch.  S.

            1720    17    4

           ——     —   5

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           ——     —  11

            1674      12

            1671      10

            1678      13

            1674      24

            1682        9

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3102   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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