shall be and are hereby authorised to order and direct that the
same be loaned out on real or such other security as they may approve,
provided that the chancellor or judges of the said courts
shall deem the same most advantageous for the interest of the parties. |
DEC. 1819.
CHAP. 144. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the provisions
of the act of eighteen
hundred and sixteen, chapter one hundred and fifty-four, respecting
the sales of real estate of minors, be extended to personal
estate of such minors. |
Provisions of act
of 1816, extended
to personal estate. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the provisions
of the act of eighteen
hundred and seventeen, chapter one hundred and thirty-nine,
entitled, An act to provide for the conveyance and return and process
issued from the courts of the county to the officers of another,
be extended to the chancery court and the court of appeals, and to
the conveyance and return of process issued therefrom. |
Provisions of act
of 1817, extended
to Chancery court,
&c. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases where
the chancellor,
or county courts of this state exercising equity jurisdiction,
shall decree or order or direct any sums of money to be paid out of
any funds, or the proceeds thereof, arising from any proceeding or
decree in the said courts, any person or persons who shall deem themselves
aggrieved, may within three months after such decree or
order, file a petition to the chancellor, or judges of the county
court, as the case may be, praying an appeal from the decree or order
of the said court to the court of appeals, and the same shall be
allowed, and thereupon a copy of the proceedings, or such part
thereof as may be necessary to set forth and exhibit the true point
in controversy, shall be transmitted to the court of appeals of the
western shore, if the cause of claim or demand arose on the western
shore, or to the court of appeals of eastern shore if the claim
or demand arose on the eastern shore. |
In certain cases,
persons aggrieved
may pray and appeal
to court of
appeals. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to declare and enlarge
powers of the Court of Chancery, and the County Courts
as Courts
of Equity. |
Passed Feb. 14, 1820. |
WHEREAS by the eighth section of an act, entitled,
An act to declare
and enlarge the powers of the court of chancery, and the
county courts as courts of equity, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and eighteen, chapter one hundred and ninety-three,
it is enacted, that a sale of real estate may be decreed in the discretion
of the chancery court, and the county courts as courts of
equity, in order to save the personal: And whereas, no provision
is contained in the said act for purpose of awarding to the widow
a reasonable portion of the purchase money as a compensation
for her dower in real estate sold under decrees made in conformity
with said act; therefore, |
Preamble. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
where any sale of real estate is decreed in conformity with the
said section of the said act, and in case any widow is entitled to
any right of dower in such real estate, so decreed to be sold, the
trustee or trustees appointed in said decree shall proceed to sell |
In case widow is
entitled to dower
in any real estate
sold, proportion of
purchase money
to be awarded her. |