satisfaction, or otherwise howsoever; and such transcripts
shall contain the style or names of the parties, the nature of the
case, and other memoranda, as they do or should appear upon the
dockets, and the judgment, decree, order or agreement, by which
the several actions, prosecutions of suits, were terminated; and the
bills of costs, recoverable by the party in whose favour they shall
have been awarded, shall be likewise transcribed and entered; and
all the said books shall be truly and regularly paged and alphabeted,
and the whole shall be completed before the ensuing term; and
the said chancellor and judges of the respective courts of justice,
or any one or more of them, at each succeeding term, shall require
the said clerk or register to produce the said book, and shall inspect
and examine the entries therein transcribed, and the manner
in which the services are performed, and decide whether the duties
hereby required have been faithfully discharged; and if any clerk
or register shall neglect or refuse to provide the said book, or to
make the transcripts hereby required in the manner herein prescribed,
he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars for every offence, to be recovered by indictment and conviction
aforesaid; and such conviction shall be deemed and taken
as evidence of misbehaviour in office, for which he may be removed. |
DEC. 1817.
CHAP. 119.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as a better compensation
to the
said clerks and register for the books they are obliged to procure,
and for making on their records fair entries of their proceedings,
they shall respectively be entitled to charge, demand and receive,
the following fees, instead of those to which they are now entitled
for the like services, that is to say, for transcribing the docket entries
directed by this act, fifty cents for each action, suit or prosecution,
to be included in the bill of costs; for recording in his record
books every matter and thing required to be recorded, ten
cents per side; for every exemplification or official copy under his
certificate and seal of office, when required, ten cents per side; and
for the certificate and seal annexed to such exemplifications, forty
cents. |
to clerks. |
An Act to provide for the conveyance and return of Process issued
from the Courts of one County to the Officers of another.
Lib. TH.
No. 6, fol. 46.
By 1819, ch. 144, s. 3, the provisions
of this act are extended to the court of
chancery. |
Passed Feb. 6, 1818. |
WHEREAS, the trial of causes, civil and criminal,
is often delayed
by the irregular manner in which process is conveyed from the
courts of one county to the officers of another county, and by the
want of convenient proof of the delivery of such process to the officers
to whom the same is directed, as well as by the frequent neglect
of such officers to serve and return such process; and it appears
to be necessary, for the speedy and due administration of
justice, that an effective remedy should be provided in that behalf,
therefore, |
Preamble. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the clerk or register of any |
Process issuing
from one county
to be served in
another, how to
be conveyed. |