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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3044   View pdf image (33K)
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                APPENDIX——CHANCERY LAWS.

or descendant of such brother or sister, then to the grand-father
on the part of the mother, and if no such grand-father living,
then to his descendants in equal degree equally, and if no such
descendant of such grand-father, then to the father of such grand-father,
and if none such living, then to his descendants in equal
degree, and so on, passing to the next male maternal ancestor, and
if none such living, to his descendants in equal degree, and if no
such maternal ancestor, or descendant from any maternal ancestor,
then to the father of the intestate, and if no father living, to his
descendants in equal degree equally, and if no father living, or
descendant from the father, then to the paternal ancestors and their
descendants in the same manner as is above directed as to the maternal
ancestors; and if the estate is or shall be vested in the intestate
by purchase, and not derived from or through either of his
ancestors, and there be no child or descendant of such intestate,
then the estate shall descend to the brothers and sisters of such intestate
of the whole blood, and their descendants, in equal degree
equally, and if no brother or sister of the whole blood, or descendant
from such brother or sister, then to the brothers and sisters of
the half blood and their descendants, in equal degree equally, and
if no brother or sister of the whole or half blood, or any descendant
from such brother or sister, then to the father, and if no father
living, then to the mother, and if no mother living, then to the
grand-father on the part of the father, and if no such grand-father
living, then to the descendants of such grand-father in equal degree
equally, and if no such grand-father, or any descendant from
him, then to the grand-father on the part of the mother, and if no
such grand-father, then to his descendants in equal degree equally,
and so on without end, alternating the next male paternal ancestor
and his descendants, and the next male maternal ancestor and his
descendants, and giving preference to the paternal ancestor and his
descendants; and if there be no descendants or kindred of the intestate
as aforesaid to take the estate, then the same shall go to
the husband or wife, as the case may be, and if the husband or wife
be dead, then to his or her kindred in the like course as if such
husband or wife had survived the intestate, and then had died entitled
to the estate by purchase, and if the intestate has had more
husbands or wives than one, and all shall die before such intestate,
then the estate shall be equally divided among the kindred of
the several husbands or wives in equal degree equally.

NOV. 1785.

CHAP. 45.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That no right in the inheritance shall
accrue to or vest in any person other than to children of the intestate
and their descendants, unless such person is in being, and capable
in law to take as heir at the time of the intestate's death, but
any child or descendant of the intestate, born after the death of the
intestate, shall have the same right of inheritance as if born before
the death of the intestate.
No right shall vest
except in children,
    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if in the descending or collateral
line any father or mother may be dead, the child or children of
such father or mother shall, by representation, be considered in the
same degree as the father or mother would have been if living, and
shall have the same share of the estate as the father or mother if
living would have been entitled to, and no more; and in such case,
where there is more children than one, the share aforesaid shall be
equally divided among such children.
Who shall be considered
in same
degree, &c.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3044   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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