current money, as a fine for the purgation of every such contempt,
and that the said party or person being in court, upon any process
of contempt, or otherwise, upon the order of the chancery court,
shall and may stand committed, and remain in close custody until
the said process, rule or order, shall be fully performed, obeyed
and fulfilled, and until the said fine or fines for such contempts
by the said court, and the costs, shall be fully paid and discharged. |
NOV. 1785.
CHAP. 72. |
23. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any sheriff,
coroner, or other
public officer or person, to whom any process or order, according
to the course of the chancery court, shall or may be directed or
delivered, shall serve and execute, and return served or executed,
and the said sheriff, coroner and other public officer, is and are
hereby authorised and commanded to serve and execute any process
of contempt, whether it be an attachment of contempt, attachment
with proclamations, or any order of the chancellor commanding
such sheriff, coroner, or other public officer or person, to
take and bring into court the body or bodies of the person or persons
therein mentioned, and the said sheriff, coroner, or other public
officer or person, do and shall not bring into and have in court
the body or bodies of the person or persons mentioned, according
to the tenor of the process or order, and the return thereof, the
____ or person obtaining such process or order may move, that
the sheriff, coroner, or other public officer or person, nisi
the court next following such motion for amerciament, or the return
of the process, or order any sum of money or tobacco, (having
regard to the value of the matter, thing or sum, in question or
demand,) and fine for contempt and costs, to compel such sheriff,
coroner, or other public officer or person, to comply with and fulfil
the tenor of the process or order, and the return thereof, as the
chancellor may think proper; and that when the said amerciament,
(which the chancellor may, in his discretion, as he may see just
cause, continue, or enlarge or increase, from court to court,) shall
be no longer continued, enlarged or increased, and thereby become
final, the chancellor may, upon motion, order the said sheriff, coroner,
or other public officer or person, to pay the said amerciament
and costs to the plaintiff or other person at whose instance the said
amerciament is made, and fine for contempt, and upon a non-compliance
with the said order for payment, may issue process of fieri
facias against the lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods and
chattels, of the said sheriff, coroner or other public officer, which
shall thereupon be taken and sold to satisfy such amerciament and
fine for contempt, or the chancellor may issue a capias ad satisfaciendum
against such sheriff, coroner or other public officer, for the
said amerciament and fine for contempt, and there shall be the
same proceedings thereon as at common law, or the chancellor
may, upon motion, order the said sheriff, coroner, or other public
officer or person, so amerced, and in court upon process of contempt,
or otherwise, to stand committed and be kept in close custody
until the said amerciaments and costs, and fine for contempt,
be fully satisfied; and in case the amerciament aforesaid shall not
be satisfied and paid by means aforesaid, within six months from |
Sheriff, &c. may
be amerced, &c. |