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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3   View pdf image (33K)
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                            STATE OF MARYLAND,

                                                            DECEMBER SESSION, 1817.
    RESOLVED, That William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John N. Watkins,
Esquires, be and they are hereby appointed to revise the Acts of the Assembly of
this State, and to prepare an edition thereof, including all public acts now in
force, in the order in which they passed, from the end of the year seventeen
hundred and ninety-nine, till the end of the present session, inserting in the
same order the titles of all private acts, and of such public acts as are repealed,
have expired, or have ceased to have any operation, the time of such repeal
or expiring of each law to be noted in the margin, as also the continuances of
such acts as were originally passed for a limited time, to be accompanied with
a full and complete index to the whole, compiled in the manner of the last edition
of the laws of Maryland; that the said edition be completed within the
present year, so as to be laid before the general assembly at their next annual

    RESOLVED, That there be included in the said collection the constitution of
this state as adopted by the convention, together with the several alterations which
have been made thereto by acts of assembly since that period; and that by way
of Appendix there shall be also included the acts of assembly commonly called
the Land Laws, and the several acts for quieting possessions, enrolling conveyances,
and securing the estates of purchasers, which are not printed in the
last edition of the laws; that is to say, the acts of 1692. ch. 13, ch. 30; 1694,
ch. 11; 1699, ch. 18, ch. 42; 1704, ch. 24, ch. 79, ch. 98; 1705, ch. 10; 1706,
ch. 1; 1715, ch. 45; 1717, ch. 9; 1718, ch. 18; 1720, ch. 17; together with such
resolutions as may have passed since the revolution, in the opinion of the compilers
proper to be published.

    RESOLVED, That Jonas Green, printer to the state, be directed to print
and procure to be bound, two hundred copies of the said edition of the laws, under
the direction of the said William Kilty, Thomas Harris and John N. Watkins,

    RESOLVED, That the clerk of the court of appeals for the western shore
be and hereby is directed, to furnish the said William Kilty, Thomas Harris,
and John N. Watkins, Esquires, with copies of such acts not already printed as
they may require, and to compare and examine, under their direction, the acts
which they shall direct to be printed in the said edition, with the records of the
said acts in the office of the court of appeals, and shall note under the title of
each act the liber and folio of the record book in which the same is recorded.


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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