1802. |
it shall be thereafter called, distinguished and known, and the name
of the church, society or congregation, choosing the same, which
said plan, agreement or regulations shall be entered in the book
herein after directed to be kept by every the said body politic or
corporate, and the same shall be acknowledged by the said trustees,
or a majority of them, before, and certified by, any two justices of
the peace for the county in which the said church, society or congregation,
or the greatest number of them, shall reside, or the same
shall be acknowledged before, and _______ by, one of the judges
of the general court, after being well assured by the said trustees,
or a majority of them, that the proceedings have been legally and
duly conducted; and the said plan or agreement, so acknowledged
and certified, shall be filed by the said trustees with the clerk of the
county court where the said church, society or congregation, or the
greater part of them, shall reside, within six months after such acknowledgment
shall be made, and the same shall be recorded in a
book to be provided for these special purposes, at the expense of
the several corporations in that county whose proceedings shall be
so recorded, and a copy of the said proceedings from the records
thereof, under the hand of the clerk, and the public seal of his office,
shall be of the same force and effect, in every court of law and
equity within this state, as the original proceedings would be if the
same were produced in court; and if any future change or alteration
shall be made in the original plan, by authority of the congregation
as aforesaid, such change or alteration shall in the same manner
be known and recorded; and the said clerk shall be entitled
to such fees for his services as are allowed by law for services
of the like nature in matters belonging to his office. |
Every corporation
to hold and
use a seal.
Proviso. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every corporation
or body politic
aforesaid respectively, and their successors, or the majority of them,
by their name of incorporation aforesaid, shall have full power and
authority to hold and use one common seal, to appoint the times and
places of their meetings, and the number necessary to constitute a
quorum, and shall moreover provide and keep a good and sufficient
record book, and cause to be therein registered a fair account of all
their proceedings, subject at all times to the inspection of the several
members of the church, society or congregation, in whose behalf
the same are respectively entered, and the same shall be laid
before a public meeting, when thereunto required by any five or
more of the same; and the said trustees, or a majority of them, shall
have full power and authority to frame such rules and ordinances
for conducting their concerns as may be necessary and convenient
for accomplishing the end of their institution; Provided always, that
nothing therein contained shall be repugnant to, but perfectly consistent
with, the constitution and laws of this state. |
Vested with an estate
in fee-simple. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every of
the said corporations
or trustees, and their successors, by their respective names
or titles, shall be vested with an estate in fee-simple in any land or
parcel of ground not exceeding two acres, and also in every chapel,
meeting-house or other house of worship belonging to, or in
the use of, the particular church, society or congregation, for which
they are respectively chosen as a body politic or corporate, and
shall also, by their respective names or titles, have absolute property
in all books, plate or other ornaments, and all goods and chattels, |