session of assembly which shall happen thereafter; Provided nevertheless,
that the several acts and supplements thereto, herein mentioned,
shall be and are hereby declared subject to any alteration
which have been made therein since the passage of the said laws or
For further continuances see the general
continuing acts of 1805, ch. 109, and
1896, ch. 52, and those at every annual session thereafter. |
CHAP. 106.
Proviso. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every act of assembly
would expire on or before the end of the next session of assembly,
except as herein before excepted, be and the same is hereby continued
until the end of the said next session of assembly.
The following acts are not continued
by the first section of this act,
having been limited to the end of this session, and probably were intended
be continued by the second section, viz. 1794, ch. 9: An act for
the establishment
of a market for the sale of live stock at Westminster town, in Frederick
1794, ch. 19, An act for the weighing of hay, and cording of wood, in Elkton,
county. And 1796, ch. 32, An act for the preservation of the breed
of fish in Patuxent
river. |
Acts continued. |
A Supplement to the act * for the valuation of Real and Personal
in this State, so far as relates to the appointment
of Commissioners
of the Tax for Harford County. Lib. JG. No.
4, fol. 333.
This act repealed by 1803, ch. 32, s. 51. |
Passed Jan. 9, 1803.
* 1797, ch. 89. |
An Act to alter, change and abolish, such parts of the Constitution
and Form of Government as relates to the establishing
a General
Court and Court of Appeals. Lib. JG. No. 4,
fol. 334.
This act was not confirmed as a part of the constitution. |
Passed Jan. 9, 1803. |
A Supplement an act, entitled, An act relating to Writs of Capias
ad Satisfaciendum, passed at November session, seventeen
and eighty-nine. † Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 335. |
Passed Jan. 9, 1803.
† Ch. 42. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
in case any writ of capias ad satisfaciendum has been or shall be
out of the court of chancery, (a) on which there hath been or
shall be an arrest of the defendant or defendants, of the plaintiff or
plaintiffs, with the consent of the defendant or defendants, have
elected, or shall elect, not to call the said execution during the term
to which it was or may be returnable, it shall be lawful for such
plaintiff or plaintiffs to proceed against every such defendant or
and his, her or their heirs, devisees, executors or administrators,
by a new execution, or such other process as the nature
of the case may require, for such sum of money or tobacco as may
remain unsatisfied on his, her or their judgment or decree, in the
same manner that he, she or they, might have done if such defendant
or defendants had not been arrested on the former writ of execution.
(a) See 1785, ch. 72, s. 23. |
In certain cases
plaintiff may proceed
against defendant. |