shall then and there assemble and meet together, shall proceed to
elect, by ballot, by a majority of votes, nine vestrymen, from
among the members of the said church, who shall be deemed
and considered the vestry of the said church for the ensuing year. |
CHAP. 105. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said vestry
shall be
thus elected, that they shall have and enjoy every right, power,
benefit, privilege and indulgence, that is given or granted to, used
or enjoyed by, any other vestry of the protestant episcopal church
within the state of Maryland. |
Vestry, thus elected
to have the
same rights and
privileges as any
other vestry. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said vestry
shall be
thus elected, all and every the lot and lots of land purchased as
herein before directed, and belonging to the said church, shall become
vested in the said vestry, in fee-simple, as other property is
vested in corporate bodies, and as such shall be by the said vestry
held and enjoyed. |
Lots vested in vestry. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after the said
first election of the
vestry to the said church shall have been made as herein directed,
the subscribers to and members of the said church, contributing to
and attendants on the same, and being free white male citizens,
shall annually, on Easter Monday, meet in the said church, and
elect nine vestrymen for the ensuing year, by a majority of votes,
by ballot. |
Members of
church to meet
annually. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as the
vestry herein first
named shall be elected, the said Jeremiah Yellott, John Scott, William
Jolly, Hezekiah Waters, Josiah Pennington, Simon Wilmer,
of Edward, and James Corrie, and the survivors and survivor
of them, shall, by deed of bargain and sale, duly executed, and to
be recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, convey
the said lot and lots of land to the said vestry, and their successors,
in fee-simple, to be by them held, used and enjoyed, as other
real property is held by any other vestry of the protestant episcopal
church in the state of Maryland.
By 1803, ch. 45, s. 6, the trustees
to convey to the vestry such interest only in
the said lots which they may have at the time. |
J. Yellott, &c. to
convey lots to vestry. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That every law, or any
part of any
law, heretofore passed and enacted, contrary to the provisions
herein contained, shall be, as to the church herein before named
and the vestry thereof hereafter to be elected, and the same is
hereby repealed. |
Repeal of former
laws. |
An Act to receive and continue the Acts of Assembly therein mentioned.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 331. |
Passed Jan. 9, 1803. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
an act, entitled, An act for the punishment of horse stealers and
other offenders, passed at May session, seventeen hundred and
forty-four, chapter twenty, shall be and is hereby continued until
the thirtieth day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and to the
end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter;
that an act, entitled, An act respecting the punishment of criminals,
passed November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-three,
chapter fifty-seven, shall be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth
day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and to the end of
the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter; that an |
Acts continued. |