not related or interested or surviving, or having been a
judge before as aforesaid, to call to his or their assistance one or
two, (as the case shall require,) freeholders of the same county,
such as he or they shall approve of, not being any ways related or
interested as aforesaid, who shall be thereby empowered (on qualifying
him or themselves by taking the oaths by this act directed,)
together with such commissioner or commissioners to review the
said land or lands, and proceed to the determination of the bounds
thereof, and other requisites in all and every respect, as fully and
amply to all intents and purposes as the said commissioners, had
they not been related, interested or dead, as aforesaid, could or
might have done, and the like method to be used where a choice is
made of the land commissioners upon the first view by the contending
parties. And forasmuch as it may sometimes happen upon the exterior
bounds of counties, that some of the lines of lands in dispute
may run into the next adjacent county, or that it may be necessary
to run the lines of some lands lying in such county, in order to
find the true bounds of the land in controversy, in all such cases
it shall and may be lawful for the commissioners of review, or
land commissioners, to cause such lines to be run out and to settle
the bounds of land in dispute, notwithstanding some of the boundaries
may be in such adjacent county. |
When lines run
into another county,
&c. |
9. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the authority
aforesaid, by
and with the advice and consent aforesaid, That the commissioners
of review, or any one of them, shall meet at their respective county
court houses the second day of every court, and there sit as a
court to receive appeals from the judgment of the land commissioners,
and shall cause their clerk, (to be by them appointed) to enter such
appeal, together with the time appointed for their meeting on such
land. |
—To meet and
sit to receive appeals,
&c. |
10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That such commissioners
of review for their attendance on the determination of such appeals,
shall be allowed the sum of one hundred pounds of tobacco
per day to each commissioner, as is allowed by the former law to
the commissioners of the first view, and no more; and that any of
the lands commissioners of review as aforesaid, or any of the commissioners
made choice of or appointed upon the first view, after
having qualified themselves according to this and the former law,
who shall refuse or neglect to attend at the time and place appointed
for such view or review, not having a reasonable excuse,
shall be fined the sum of five hundred pounds of tobacco, to be recovered
in the right honourable the lord proprietor's name in any
county court within this province, by action of debt, bill, plaint or
information, and applied towards the support of public schools, in
such county where such commissioner or commissioners shall reside. |
Their allowance. |
11. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, by the authority,
advice and
consent aforesaid, That the commissioners of review appointed by
this act shall qualify themselves by taking the several oaths appointed
by law, and also make the declaration commonly called
the test, and subscribe the same, and the oath of abjuration, and
also take the following oath, viz. " I, A. B. do swear that I will
" justly and truly execute the powers and authorities to me given
" by the acts of assembly, for ascertaining the bounds of land |
Their oath. |