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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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An Act (s) to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter such parts of the Constitution
    and Form of Government as relate to Voters, and qualifications of Voters.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 224.
                                                                (s)  1802, ch. 20.
    This act altered and supplied by November 1809, ch. 83, confirmed by 1810, ch. 83.


An Act (t) to alter and repeal such parts of the Constitution and Form of Government
    of this State as relate to the division of Frederick County into Election
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 291.
                                                (t)  1802, ch. 82.

    WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, that great inconvenience
has been experienced for the want of two additional districts in Frederick
county; for remedy whereof,
    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all that part
of the constitution and form of government, made such by the acts of seventeen
hundred and ninety-eight and seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, which directs
that Frederick county shall be divided and laid off into seven separate districts,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That Frederick county shall be divided and laid off
into nine separate districts.
    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be confirmed by the general
assembly, after the next election of delegates, in the first session after such new
election, as the constitution and form of government directs, in such case this
act, and the alteration in the said constitution contained therein, shall be considered
as a part, and shall constitute and be valid as a part, of the said constitution
and form of government, to all intents and purposes, any thing therein
contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Act (v) to confirm an act, entitled, An act to alter and repeal such parts of the
    Constitution and Form of Government of this State as relate to the division of
    Frederick County into Election Districts.
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 372.
                                                 (v)  1803, ch. 19.

    BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act passed
at November session, eighteen hundred and two, entitled, An act to alter and
repeal such parts of the constitution and form of government of this state as
relate to the division of Frederick county into election districts, shall be and
the same is hereby confirmed.


An Act (w) to provide for the Trial of Facts in the several Counties of this State, and
    to alter, change and abolish, all such parts of the Constitution and Form of Government
    as relate to the General Court and Court of Appeals. 
Lib. JG. No.
    4, fol. 609.
                                                (w)  1804, ch. 55.

    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this state
shall be divided into six judicial districts, in manner and form following, to wit:
Saint-Mary's, Charles and Prince George's counties, shall be the first district;
Cecil, Kent, Queen-Anne's and Talbot counties, shall be the second district;
Calvert, Ann-Arundel and Montgomery counties, shall be the third district;
Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset and Worcester counties, shall be the fourth
district; Frederick, Washington and Allegany counties, shall be the fifth district;
Baltimore and Harford counties, shall be the sixth district; and there
shall be appointed, for each of the said judicial districts, three persons of integrity
and sound legal knowledge, residents of the state of Maryland, who shall,
previous to and during their acting as judges, reside in the district for which they
shall respectively be appointed, one of whom shall be styled in the commission


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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