CHAP. 11. |
to be laid out will pass have consented thereto, except the
devisees of a certain William Dail, who being minors, are incapable
of giving their consent, in consequence of which difficulty the
levy court of the said county have no power to permit the said road
to be changed; that William Dail, the father of the said infants, in
his life-time, consented and agreed to contribute his proportion to
the expenses thereof to the proposed change of the road, and that
Mrs. Ann Dail, the mother and guardian of the said children, is
willing, on their behalf, that it should be made, and have prayed
that an act may pass, giving the levy court of the said county adequate
powers in this case; and the facts stated in the said petition appearing
to be true, therefore, |
Road may be
Proviso. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the levy court of Dorchester county,
in their discretion, upon receiving the assent thereto of the
above mentioned guardian of the said infants, to permit the said
road to be changed, in the manner directed by the now existing
law, so as to pass through their lands, and to use and exercise the
same discretion, powers and authorities, in the premises, as if all
the proprietors of the lands to be affected were of full age; Provided
that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to impose
any part of the charge incurred by opening, clearing and making,
the said road, upon the minor children, or on their mother
and guardian aforesaid. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1803. |
An Act to authorise and empower the Justices of the Levy Court of
Caroline County to discontinue so much of the public
Road as is
therein mentioned. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 216. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that so much
of the public road leading from Peter Steel's, near the three bridges,
until it intersects the main road leading from Peter Harris's
farm to Potter's landing, is of no possible public utility, and greatly
injurious to the interest of individuals through whose land the
said public road runs; therefore, |
Part of a road
may be discontinued.
Provisos. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Caroline county be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, at their first session in the year
eighteen hundred and three, upon the application, by petition, of
William Summers, or any other person or persons through whose
lands the said road now runs, stating their grievances, to discontinue
all that part of the said public road leading from Peter Steel's,
near the three bridges, until it intersects the public road leading
from Peter Harris's farm to Potter's landing; Provided, that no
reason to the contrary shall appear; And provided also, that
before any petition for the discontinuance of the said road shall be
received by the said justices, they shall have satisfactory information
that the person or persons petitioning have given at least three
weeks notice in several of the most public places in Caroline county,
of his, her or their intention to petition the levy court to discontinue
the road aforesaid, |