CHAP. 7.
* Ch. 14. |
and one, * entitled, An act further extending the time for making
returns of certain certificates and plots, and it is right and
reasonable further to extend the said time; therefore, |
Time further extended.
† 1785, ch. 66. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
all certificates and plots made agreeably to, and in virtue of, an
act, † entitled, An act ascertaining the mode of granting titles to
the purchasers of certain confiscated property, which shall or may be
examined and passed by the examiner-general, and returned to the
register of the land-office for the western shore on or before the
first day of November, eighteen hundred and three, shall be received
by the register of the land-office, and be of the same validity
as if they had been returned agreeably to the time mentioned in
the first above recited act. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1803. |
An Act for the relief of Margaret Razer, of Frederick-Town, in
Frederick County. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 212.
A Private Act.
Empowering her to dispose of and convey
her part of certain lands as if she
were a feme sole. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1803. |
An Act to lay out a Road from McCalister's Plantation to Elisha
David Gorsuch's Mill, and from thence to John Ruteledge's
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 213. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition
of Elisha and David Gorsuch, and several other inhabitants
of the upper part of Baltimore county, that many advantages
would arise by opening a public road from McCalister's plantation,
on the York road, to the mill of the said Elisha and David
Gorsuch, and from thence to the plantation of John Ruteledge,
laying on the said York road; and the prayer of said petition appearing
reasonable, therefore, |
Commissioners appointed
to survey
and lay out road. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
William Coulseson, William Johnson, of William, and James Lytle,
or any two of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners
to survey, mark and lay out, at the expense of the said
Elisha and David Gorsuch, a road, not exceeding thirty feet wide,
on the straightest and best direction that the nature of the ground
will admit, from the York road, at McCalister's plantation, to the
said Elisha and David Gorsuch's mill, and from thence to the said
York road at John Ruteledge's plantation; and the said road when
so surveyed, marked, laid out and opened, and the valuation herein
after directed to be made and paid shall have taken place, a plot
thereof shall be returned to the clerk of the county, who shall record
the same among the records of Baltimore county court,
which shall be deemed and taken to be a public road for ever thereafter,
and shall be kept up, and amended and repaired, as all other
public roads in the said county. |
On application,
justice to issue
warrant to summon
jury. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That should a difference
of opinion
arise between the said Elisha and David Gorsuch and any person
or persons through whose lands the said road may pass, concerning
the damages that may be sustained thereby, it shall and may
be lawful for the person or persons so aggrieved to apply to a justice
of the peace for said county, and on his, her or their complaint,
to issue his warrant to the sheriff of said county, commanding him |