discharge the duties required of them in pursuance of the provisions
of this section, every such officer shall be liable to be cashiered,
and fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the discretion
of such court-martial as the case may require; and if any non-commissioned
officer or private shall neglect or refuse to obey any order
given by his superior officer, in pursuance of the provisions of
this section, such non-commissioned officer or private, shall be liable
to be fined, not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion
of such court-martial as the case may require; and in the cases
provided for in the aforegoing section, the commanding of
the brigade shall have full power and authority to take such measures
for issuing and transporting such supplies and orders within
his brigade, as he may deem requisite, until the orders of the commander
in chief shall be known. |
CHAP. 228. |
63. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the preservation
of the
public arms in said brigades, it shall be the duty of every commanding
officer of the company to report in March next, to the commanding
officer of the regiment or extra battalion, to which they are attached,
the number of arms and accoutrements, public or private,
in their respective companies, designating such as belong to the
state; and the field officers of regiments or extra battalions shall, on
or before the first day of May next, give bond, with security, to
the state, to be approved buy the governor and council, for the safe
keeping of the arms and accoutrements belonging to the state, held
by their respective regiments or extra battalions, and for the return
of the same when required by the state; and thereupon the bonds
heretofore given for such arms or accoutrements shall be cancelled;
and when such public arms or accoutrements shall be left in the
hands of any company, by the field officers of the regiments or extra
battalion to which such company belongs, the commissioned
officers thereof shall give like bonds to the commanding officer
of the regiment or extra battalion, to which such company is attached,
to be by them respectively approved; and the commanding
officer of such company shall take from each member receiving such
arms or accoutrements, a receipt for the same, in a book to be
kept for that purpose, thereby engaging to keep such arms and accoutrements
in good order, and to return them when required by
the state, or when such persons shall cease to be a member of the
company, and in default thereof he shall pay their full value, as may
be fixed by law, for arms lost, to be recovered as fines are directed
by this act, under the direction of the commanding officer of said
company, and when received, paid over to the paymaster of his
regiment or extra battalion, for the purpose of replacing such arms
or accoutrements; and if any officer shall refuse or neglect to comply
with the provisions of this section, he shall be cashiered, and
if any private shall refuse or neglect to give such receipt, he shall
be fined not exceeding twenty dollars, in the discretion of such
court martial as the cases may require; and the governor and council
are hereby authorised to loan to the said brigades, such of the
public arms and accoutrements as may be hereafter wanted therein,
upon bond and security being given for the same, in the manner
herein before provided, by the field officers of the regiment or extra
battalion, for whose use they may be loaned; and if such arms
are distributed to companies, it shall be done upon the like terms, |
Public arms. |