and extra battalion, shall, on or before the first of April next, and
from time to time thereafter as may be necessary, appoint some
suitable person, on such terms as he shall deem advisable, to collect
all fines that may be imposed upon non-commissioned officers, privates
and musicians, of their regiment, or extra battalion, respectively,
on or other person under the provisions of this act; and if
either of the officers aforesaid shall neglect or refuse to comply with
the provisions of this section, he shall be fined a sum not exceeding
one hundred dollars, in the discretion of such court martial, as the
case may require. |
CHAP. 228. |
29. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president
each court martial
to try absentees from parade, and also the president of each and
every brigade, regimental, extra battalion, and company court
martial, shall within three days after the passing of any sentence of
such court, return such sentence, in writing, to the commanding
officers of the brigade, regiment, extra battalion or company, ordering
the same, with a list of the fines imposed by such sentence,
under a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars, to be imposed by such
court martial as the case may require, for every neglect or refusal
to make such return; and it shall be the duty of the commanding
officer, and he is hereby required, under a penalty not exceeding
fifty dollars, to be imposed by such court martial as the case may
require, for every neglect or refusal, to make out or cause to be
made out two copies of every such list, to retain one himself, and
deliver the other to the collector for his brigade, regiment, extra
battalion or company, as the case may require, within ten days after
receiving it, to be by him collected as herein after provided;
and when collected, shall account for, with, and pay over to, the
commanding officers by whom the said lists were respectively
placed in his hands, or their successors in office, provided the same
shall be done, subject to such deduction for commission, and other
regulations, as may have been established with the officers authorised
by this act to appoint such collector. |
Presidents to make
returns. |
30. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president
of each court martial
instituted for the purpose of trying a brigadier general for any
violation of this act, shall make a return of the sentence imposed by
said court, in the same manner, and within the time specified under
this act for similar returns, except that where a fine is imposed
the return shall be made to the eldest colonel in rank of the brigade
to which he belongs, who shall place the same in the hands of the
collector appointed to collect all fines and forfeitures against commissioned
officers of his brigade, and when received, shall be paid
over by said colonel, in equal portions, to the different regiments
and extra battalions of the said brigade. |
—of fines, &c. against
generals. |
31. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines imposed
by this act, or
by the courts martial for the trial of commissioned officers as absentees
from parade, as well as those imposed by division, brigade, regimental,
extra battalion court martial, and courts of inquiry for
other offences, shall be paid over by the officers receiving the same,
within five days after such receipt, to the paymaster of the regiment
or extra battalion in which they were collected; and all fines
imposed by the courts martial for the trial of non-commissioned officers,
privates musicians, as absentees from parade, as well as
those imposed by company courts martial for other offences, shall |
Fines to be paid
over to paymasters. |