the time appointed for said meetings, call over the muster roll of
the company, noting those who are absent; and within two days
thereafter shall make return, in writing, of such absentees, to the
commanding officer of his company; and the said commanding
officer shall, within three days thereafter, cause the same to
be entered on his company book, and transmitted to the commanding
officer of his regiment, or extra battalion, together
with a consolidated return of the strength of his company, which
shall be entered on the books of the regiment; and the commanding
officer of each regiment, or extra battalion, shall in like manner
cause the names of all the commissioned and staff officers to be
called over by the adjutant, or such other person as he may appoint,
who shall note those who are absent, and within two days
thereafter shall make a return, in writing, of such absentees, to
the commanding officer of his regiment, or extra battalion; and
the said commanding officer shall, within ten days thereafter, cause
the same to be entered on his regimental or extra battalion book,
and transmitted to the commanding officer of the brigade to which
he belongs, together with a consolidated return of the strength of
his regiment or extra battalion, which shall be entered on the books
of the brigade; and if any of said officers shall neglect or refuse
to execute the duties required by this section, he or they shall be
fined not more than fifty dollars, in the discretion of such court
martial as the case may require. |
CHAP. 228. |
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any commissioned
whose duty it shall be to attend, shall refuse or neglect to attend
any of the meetings prescribed by this act, he shall be fined at the
discretion of the court martial instituted for the purpose of trying
such absentees from parade, not less than five dollars, nor more than
fifty dollars, for every such offence; and if any person belonging to the
militia, whose duty it shall be to meet and muster under the provisions
of this act, shall neglect or refuse to attend any of said meetings,
or shall depart from parade without being duly discharged,
such person if a non-commissioned officer, private or musician,
shall be fined at the discretion of the court martial instituted for
the purpose of trying such delinquents from parade, a sum not less
than fifty cents, and not exceeding five dollars. |
Fine on officers for
not attending parade. |
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commanding
officer of each
regiment or extra battalion, shall, within five days after each parade
as directed by this act, appoint the court martial for the trial of such
non-commissioned officers, privates and musicians, as were absent
from said parade; and he shall, at the same time, transmit a list of
absentees to the said court martial; and in case any delinquent,
being duly notified of the time and place of meeting of any such
court martial, in the manner prescribed by this act, shall refuse
or neglect to attend, the said court martial is authorised and empowered
to proceed to the trial of such delinquent, as if he was personally
present, and the officer neglecting or refusing to comply
with either of the provisions of this section, shall be fined not exceeding
fifty dollars, in the discretion of such court martial as the
case may require. |
Courts martial to
be appointed to try
absentees. |
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commanding
officer of each
brigade shall, on or before the fifteenth of July in every year, appoint
the court martial for the trial of all commissioned and staff
officers of his brigade who were absent from the parades up to that |
Brigade courts
martial to try
absentees. |