in the general court office of the western shore (m), and in
due time printed,
published and certified, under the great seal, to the several county courts,
the same manner as hath been heretofore used in this state.
61. That to introduce the new government, an
election to be held for the electors
of the senate on Monday the twenty-fifth of November in this present year,
and that the electors of the senate meet at Annapolis on Monday the ninth
December in this present year, and there choose senators; and that an election
be held on Wednesday the eighteenth of December, for delegates to serve
general assembly, and for sheriffs; and that the said elections be made
by such
persons, in the same manner, and under the same qualifications, as such
are herein before directed to be made at the periodical times before mentioned;
the returns of all which first elections shall be made to the council of
safety for the time being; and the general assembly shall meet at Annapolis
Monday the tenth of February next, and shall, in their then session, or
in such
future session as they shall think proper, choose a governor and council
for the
residue of the year in the manner before directed; and for filling, in
the first instance
only, all the offices in the disposition of the governor, with the advice
the council, the house of delegates may also propose to the senate a list
of all officers
in the appointment of the governor with the advice of the council, and
the senate concurring therein, or in the recommendation of any of the persons
therein mentioned, such persons so recommended shall be commissioned by
governor; but if the senate shall not concur in the recommendation of any
the persons proposed as aforesaid, then shall a joint ballot of both houses
be taken
in manner aforesaid for persons to be recommended for such offices, and
the persons in whose favour such ballot shall pass shall be commissioned
That the said elections for all the counties in
this state, except Washington,
Montgomery, Cecil and Queen-Anne's, be held at the places of holding the
courts of those counties respectively.
That the elections for Washington county be held at
That the elections for Montgomery county be held at
the house now occupied
by Charles Hungerford.
That the elections for Cecil county be held at the head
of Elk. And,
That the elections for Queen-Anne's county be held at
Chester mill, where
George Hanson now dwells.
That Abraham Barnes, Hugh Hopewell and Henry Tubman,
esquires, or any
two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Saint Mary's
That George Dent, Samuel Hanson and Warren Dent, esquires,
or any two
or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Charles county.
That William Allnut, Samuel Chew and Daniel Rawlings,
esquires, or any
two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Calvert county.
That William Beans, Enoch Magruder and Jeremiah Magruder,
esquires, or
any two or one of them, be judge and hold the elections for Prince-George's
That Joseph Galloway, Thomas Dorsey and Thomas Watkins,
esquires, or
any two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Anne-Arundel
That John Murdock, Zadock Magruder and Joseph Wilson,
esquires, or any
two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Montgomery county.
That William Luckett, John Adhun and Joseph Wells, esquires,
or any two
or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Frederick county.
(m) See note (b) to the 47th