CHAP. 18
Passed Jan. 5, 1818. |
An Act for the benefit of William Cowan, of Cecil County.
Lib. TH.
No. 5, fol. 491. A Private Act.
His title made valid to land lying
in Cecil county notwithstanding John and
James Culbertson to and from whom conveyances for the same had been made,
had not be naturalized. |
Passed Jan. 5, 1818. |
A Supplement to an act to incorporate the Union Company of Snow
Hill. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 492. |
Capital may be
augmented. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the president and managers of the Union Company of Snow Hill,
shall be and they are hereby authorised, to augment the capital
stock of said company to fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars,
by extending the shares to thirty-five dollars each, provided the
holders of two thirds of the stock shall agree thereto in a general
meeting of the stockholders, to be called according to the provisions
of the original act. |
How to be paid. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said augmented
capital shall
be paid in such manner, and at such time, as the president and managers
shall think most conducive to the interest of the institution. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1818. |
An act for the establishment of an Academy at Elkton in Cecil County.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 492. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS application has been made to this general
by certain inhabitants of Cecil county, that a law may pass establishing
an academy at Elkton in said county; And whereas institutions
for the liberal education of youth, in different parts of this
state, would have beneficial effects in training up and continuing a
succession of able and virtuous men, for discharging the various
offices and duties of public and private life: And whereas many,
who would wish to give their children such education, have it not
in their power for want of convenient schools, where the rudiments
of such education might be had at a moderate expense; |
Town school
erected into an
Academy. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the school at Elkton in Cecil county, called " The Town's School,"
shall be erected, and hereby is erected into an academy, for liberal
education of youth in such sciences and branches of learning as
the trustees and professors thereof shall from time to time think
useful and expedient for the benefit and advancement of the institution;
and the said academy shall be regulated under the management,
direction and government, of twelve trustees, and be perpetuated
in the manner herein after mentioned. |
Trustees appointed
and incorporated. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That James Sewall, John
Tobias Rudolph, William H. Ward, Adam Whann, Joshua Richardson,
Levi Tyson, John Ruan, John R. Evans, Thomas W.
Veasy, Alexander Scott, and Matthew Pearce, be and they are
hereby appointed trustees of the said academy; and the said trustees,
and their successors, to be elected in the manner hereinafter
mentioned, shall be, and they are hereby elected, established, and
declared to be, one community, corporation, and body politic, with
perpetual succession, in deed and in law, to all intents and purposes
connected with the said institution, by the name and style of
" The Elkton Academy in Cecil County," by which name and title |