entitled, An act to alter, change and repeal, all such parts of the
constitution and form of government of this state as relate to the
division of Prince-George's county into election districts, be and
the same is hereby confirmed. |
CHAP. 9. |
An Act to repeal an Act, entitled, An act to encourage the destruction
of Crows in the several Counties therein mentioned,
so far as it
relates to Kent County. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol.
478. |
Passed Dec. 19. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the act passed at November session eighteen hundred and seven*,
entitled, An act to encourage the destruction of crows in the several
counties therein mentioned, so far as it relates to Kent county,
be and the same is hereby repealed. |
Part of an act repealed
* Ch. 71. |
_____ |
An Act to authorise Henry Ashton to make Sale of certain Slaves.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 478. |
Passed Dec. 16. |
An Act to open and extend Chesnut-Street in the City of Baltimore.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 479. |
Passed Dec. 19. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the city commissioners of Baltimore be and they are hereby empowered.
to open and extend Chesnut-street in the city of Baltimore,
beginning at the Point on the north side of Timber Neck
Lane, where the west line of Chesnut-street when extended in a
direct line intersects the same, and running thence in the same direction
to Hill-street, thence with Hill-street to the intersection of
Hill and Sharp-streets, thence with the west side of Sharp-street, and
thence with the north side of Timber Neck Lane to the beginning;
and the said street, when so opened and extended, and the valuation
and assessment herein after directed to be made shall have
taken place, shall be deemed and taken, and is hereby declared to be
a public street and highway for ever thereafter; and the said commissioners
are hereby required to return a plot, ascertaining the
limits and extent of that part of the street so opened and extended,
to the register of the city of Baltimore, who shall receive and
file the same as part of the plot of said city. |
City commissioners
to open and
extend street. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said city commissioners,
with four other discreet and disinterested persons to be named
by the Judges of Baltimore City Court, who are hereby authorised
to make such nomination, shall constitute a board of commissioners,
a majority of which board shall, at any time before the first day of
July next, after having given at least ten days notice in one or more
of the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, and after being first
sworn, proceed to assess and value the damages which may be sustained
by any person or persons, by reason of opening and extending
said street, (taking all benefits and inconveniencies into
consideration,) and shall, after having added thereto the commission
allowed to the collector as herein after provided, and the sum of
three dollars per day for every day they may be engaged in said
business to each of the said commissioners, for their services, and |
To assess and
value damages. |