7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the speedy completion
said lottery, the commissioners aforesaid shall have full power and
authority to appoint agents in different parts of this state for the
sale of tickets in the lottery aforesaid, and the same to be sold in
the city of Baltimore, or elsewhere, freely without restriction, any
usage, law, or by-law, to the contrary notwithstanding. |
CHAP. 259.
Agents may be appointed
to sell
tickets. |
_____ |
An Act to Incorporate the Baltimore Improving Company. Lib.
No. 5, fol. 431. |
Passed Feb. 5, 1817. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Robert Oliver, Henry Payson, William Lorman, George Williams,
Peter Hoofman, Nathaniel Williams, Dennis A. Smith,
Solomon Etting, Alexander McDonald, Henry Didier, junior,
James Mosher, and William Gwynn, their associates, successors
and assigns, be and they are hereby created a corporation and
body politic, by the name and style of The Baltimore Improving
Company, and by that name shall have succession during the continuance
of this incorporation, and shall be able and capable in
law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be
answered, in any court of law or equity, and to make and use a
common seal, and the same to change and alter at pleasure, and to
ordain and establish such by-laws and regulations, not contrary to
law, as shall be necessary or convenient for conducting the affairs
of this corporation. |
Company incorporated. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital stock
of the said company
shall consist of five hundred shares of one thousand dollars
each; and for the purpose of making public improvements within
the city and precincts of Baltimore, they are hereby empowered
to purchase, hold, and dispose of, personal property and real estate,
in fee simple, or otherwise, and in cases of sales of property
requiring to be acknowledged and recorded, a majority of the directors
shall join in executing and acknowledging, according to
law, conveyances thereof. |
Capital stock. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That there shall be
a meeting of the
stockholders of the said company on the first day of April in
every year, or within ten days thereafter, for the purpose of
electing five directors to manage all the concerns thereof, who shall
be elected by ballot in person or by proxy; and each share shall
entitle the holder to one vote. |
Five directors to
be elected. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the board of directors,
(three of
whom shall be a quorum,) shall appoint one of their number president;
and they shall fill up all vacancies which may happen in
their body during the year; they are authorised to employ, compensate
and dismiss, at pleasure, all officers, agents and superintendants,
which may be needful or beneficial to the company; they
shall establish regulations for the transfer of the stock thereof, and
for proof of the ownership therein; they shall have power, in behalf
of the company, to enter into contracts, to make purchases
and sales of any real estate situate, lying and being, within the
city and precincts of Baltimore, and of personal property, and to
use therefor the name, or the name and seal of the company; they
may call for payments by instalments of the capital stock, and
shall from time to time declare dividends of the profits of the concern, |
Powers of the
Board. |