CHAP. 256. |
West, Clement Brooke, Edward H. Calvert, Robert Bowie, John
C. Herbert, Joseph Kent, William Marbury, Thomas Bowie and
Isaac Duckett; For Caroline county (a), Colonel
William Potter,
Richard Hughlett, Elisha Dawson, Thomas Goldsborough, William
Hardcastle, Elijah Satterfield, Willis Charles, Levi Dukes,
and Peter Willis; For Charles county, Joseph Green, George
Robertson, Thomas Price, Samuel Chapman, Clement Dorsey,
William P. Matthews, Nathan Harris and George D. Parnham;
For Harford county, William Wilson, Doctor Wakeman Bryarly,
John Norris, (of Edwd.) Ephraim Hopkins, Christopher Wilson,
John Clendenin, Thomas Hope, Edward C. Hall and Bennett
Barnes; For Dorchester county (b), Colonel Thomas
Doctor William Jackson, Richard Tootle, Robert Dennis, Richard
Pattison, Roger Woolford, John Williams, Edward Griffith and
Richard Tubman.
(a) See ch. 250.
(b) By 1818, ch. 162, a new
appointment of commissioners was made, including
some of those here named, for Dorchester county. |
On application
treasurer to pay
each county's proportion
of school
fund. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treasurer of
the western shore
be authorised and required, on the application of the commissioners
for any county, by their authorised agent, to pay or cause to be
paid, unto the aforesaid commissioners, or their agent respectively,
of each respective county, each county's legal proportion of the
above mentioned school fund. |
Treasurer to dispose
of the school
fund. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on the application
of the commissioners
of any county, by their authorised agent, to the treasurer
of the western shore for the above mentioned proportion of their
respective county, that the treasurer shall be authorised and required
to dispose of such part of the fund appropriated for the establishment
of free schools throughout the state, as is requisite to pay off
the respective proportion of the county from which such application
is made. |
Commissioners to
report to general
assembly, &c. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the commissioners
of the school fund of each respective county annually
to report to the general assembly the manner in which their proportion
of the school fund may have been disposed of. |
Commissioners not
to receive compensation. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no commissioner
of the school
fun appointed by this act, shall receive any compensation for the
performance of the duties required of him by the said act. |
Treasurer directed
to pay certain
counties their
proportion, &c. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treasurer of
the western shore
be and he is hereby directed, to pay to the order of the levy
courts of Frederick, Washington and Allegany counties, their
county proportion respectively of the school fund aforesaid, to be
invested under the direction, and in the name of the levy court of
the county, in such manner as may be most likely permanently to
secure the means of education as contemplated by the act providing
said school fund, until the principal and interest may be sufficient,
in the opinion of the levy court of the county, to provide and
establish a central free school in each election district of said county,
any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. |