general (c), naval officers, officers in the regular land and
sea service, officers
of the militia, registers of the land office, surveyors, and all other
civil officers
of government, (assessors, constables, and overseers of the roads only
and may also suspend or remove any civil officer who has not a commission
during good behaviour, sand may suspend any militia officer for one
and may also suspend or remove any regular officer in the land or sea
and the governor may remove or suspend any militia officer in pursuance
of the
judgment of a court martial.
49. That all civil officers of the appointment of
the governor and council,
who do not hold commissions during good behaviour, shall be appointed
in the third week of November (d), but if any of them shall
be reappointed
they may continue to act without any new commission or qualification;
every officer, though not reappointed, shall continue to act until
the person who
shall be appointed and commissioned in his stead shall be qualified.
50. That the governor, every member of the
council, and every judge and
justice, before they act as such, shall respectively take an oath (e)
that he will
not, through favour, affection or partiality, vote for any person to
office, and
that he will vote for such person as in his judgment and conscience
he believes
most fit and best qualified for the office, and that he has not made,
nor will
make, any promise or engagement to give his vote or interest in favour
of any
51. That there be two registers of the land-office,
one upon the western, and
one upon the eastern shore; that shore extracts of the grants and certificates
the land on the western and eastern shores respectively, be made in
books, at the public expense, and deposited in the offices of the said
in such manner as shall hereafter be provided by the General Assembly.
52. That every chancellor, judge, register
of wills, commissioner of the loan
office, attorney general (f), sheriff, treasurer, naval officer,
register of the land
office, register of the chancery court, and every clerk of the common
law courts,
surveyor and auditor of public accounts, before he acts as such, shall
take an
oath (g) that he will not, directly or indirectly, receive any fee
or reward for
doing his office of _______, but what is or shall be allowed by law,
nor will, directly
or indirectly, receive the profits, or any part of the profits, of
any office
held by any other person, and that he does not hold the same office
in trust or
for the benefit of any other person.
53. That if any governor, chancellor, judge,
register of wills, attorney general,
(h) register of the land office, commissioner of the loan office, register
of the
chancery court, or any clerk of the common law courts, treasurer, naval
sheriff, surveyor, or auditor of public accounts, shall receive, directly
indirectly, at any time, the profits, or any part of the profits, of
any office
held by any other person during his acting in the office to which he
is appointed,
his election, appointment and commission, on conviction in a court
of law,
by the oath (i) of two credible witnesses, shall be void, and he shall
suffer the
punishment for wilful and corrupt perjury, or be banished this state
for ever, or
disqualified for ever from holding any office or place of trust or
profit, as the
court may adjudge.
(c) See note (t) to the 40th
(d) Act of 1811, ch. 211, confirmed
by 1812, ch. 129.
(e) Act of 1791, ch. 49, confirmed
by 1795, ch. 11.
(f) See note (t) to the 40th
(g) See note (e) to the 50th
(h) See note (t) to the 40th
(i) See note (e) to the 50th