the said shares of stock, as to all legal purposes, shall be considered
personal estate, and shall be assignable by transfer, and the certificates
therefor renewable in case of loss, in such manner and
under such restrictions, as the by-laws to be made by the directors
may provide. |
CHAP. 251. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and singular
the rights, permissions,
power and privileges, granted to the Gas Light Company
of Baltimore, by an ordinance of the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, passed on the nineteenth day of June, in the year
eighteen hundred and sixteen, entitled, " An ordinance to provide
for more effectually lighting the streets, squares, lanes and alleys,
of the city of Baltimore." are hereby vested in and confirmed by
the Gas Light Company of Baltimore, as incorporated, shall be authorised,
entitled, and bound to do and perform, all acts, and subject to all
restrictions and penalties authorised and permitted, required or imposed,
by the said ordinance, as fully to all intents and purposes,
as if the said company had been incorporated before and at the
time of passing the said ordinance. |
Rights, &c. granted
by city council
to company vested
in them. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the property,
estate, and joint
stock of the said company, shall be bound and answerable for any
contracts or engagements made or liability incurred by the directors
thereof, or through their agency, or by their authority; but the
stockholders shall in no wise be answerable or liable therefor in
their individual capacities, or private estates; and the service of
any judicial process upon the president, or any one of the directors,
shall be a sufficient service upon the corporation. |
Stock answerable
for contracts of
company. |
An Act to alter and change such parts of the Constitution and Form
Government as relate to the direction of Anne-Arundel
County into
Election Districts, and to change the place of holding
Elections in
the Second Election District of said County.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol.
422. |
Passed Feb. 5, 1817. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the polls for the second
election district of Anne-Arundel county shall be held at the house
of Jacob Waters, near the blacksmith's shop, on the main road
leading from the city of Annapolis to the city of Washington. |
Place of holding
elections in second
district changed. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all that part of
the second election
district of Anne-Arundel county, lying out of the city of Annapolis,
shall constitute and compose the second election district of
said county. |
That part lying
out of city to constitute
the district. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the city of Annapolis
shall constitute
the sixth election district of said county for all elections
hereinafter to be held for sheriffs, electors of president and vice-president,
and electors of the senate of this state, and for a member
of congress, which said elections shall be held by the mayor,
recorder and aldermen, of the said city, or any three or more of
them, at such place within the said city as they may appoint. |
Annapolis to constitute
the sixth
district for certain
elections. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the mayor, recorder,
and aldermen
of said city, or a majority of them, authorised to hold elections
as aforesaid, shall make return under their hands and seals,
within the time prescribed by law, of the votes taken by them at |
Mayor, &c. to
make returns. |