McCauley and Mary Clarke, Elizabeth Short, and Jonathan
Linthicum for the use of Elizabeth Merriken, John Dowill, of
Richard, for the use of John Dowill, of Richard, and to such person
as the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county may appoint for
the use of John Dowill, of Richard, the sum of thirty dollars to
each of them, which said sums of money, when collected, shall be
paid over annually by the collector of said county to the above
named persons, or to their orders. |
CHAP. 200. |
An Act authorising the Sale or Leasing of the Poor-House, and Ground
belonging thereto, in Baltimore County, and to provide
for building
a new one. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 353.
See 1817, ch. 87. |
Passed Feb. 3, 1817. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court for Baltimore county, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to lay out into convenient lots,
streets and alleys, all that part of the poor house ground in Baltimore
county, which lies east of Biddle-street, and has not heretofore
been so laid out, and to dispose of the poor-house in said county,
and the public ground belonging thereto east of said street, or
any part thereof, by sale or leasing, upon such terms, and in such
manner, as they deem most beneficial for the county, and if
sold, upon the receipt of the purchase money to convey the same to
the purchasers thereof. |
Levy court authorised
to dispose of
poor-house and
ground. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices aforesaid
be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to contract for and purchase
a suitable tract or parcel of land, not exceeding three hundred
acres, in said county, and not more than four miles from the city
of Baltimore, and receive the conveyance thereof, to and for the
use and benefit of the county; upon which land the said justices are
hereby further authorised and required to cause a poor-house, and
a separate place for the reception of vagrants, for said county, and
the necessary out-houses and improvements, to be erected and built
to and for the reception and employment of the poor of said county,
and to make the necessary contracts for the completion of the said
work under their direction, to which objects and purposes the said
land, when purchased, is hereby appropriated; to defray the cost
and expenses of such purchase and improvements, so much of the
money as may be necessary, arising from the sale or disposal
above authorised to be made of the present poor-house of said
county, and ground belonging thereto, shall and may be applied
by the justices aforesaid, and any surplus that may remain after
the completion of the said purchase and improvements, shall be
vested in such manner as in their discretion may be most beneficial
to the county. |
—To purchase
a tract of land for
use of the county. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as the
poor-house hereby
authorised to be erected, shall be ready for the reception of the
poor, the justices of the levy court of the county shall cause them
to be removed to such poor-house, there to be kept and employed
as authorised by law. |
When house is
erected, poor to be
removed. |