An Act for the benefit Alexander Moore, of Cecil County. Lib.
No. 5, fol. 152. A Private Act. |
CHAP. 14.
Passed Dec. 11. |
An Act for the benefit of John Shick, of Washington County.
Lib. TH.
No. 5, fol. 152. A Private Act. |
Passed Dec 11 |
An Act to Incorporate the Phœnix Fire Insurance Company of Maryland.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 153. |
Passed Dec 13 |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Daniel Howland, Robert Smith, Charles Gwinn, James Barroll,
James Sterett, Samuel Hollingsworth, Andrew Crawford, John
Hathaway, William and P. S. Hartshorne, Robert Barry, Michael
McBlair, James A. Buchanan, Thomas Parker, John Hollins, John
Smith Hollins, Robert Purviance, William S. Moore, B. T. Vonkapff,
F. W. Brune, Hollingsworth and Worthington, John Gooding,
R. H. Douglass, P. Eisenbrey, Joseph Todhunter, Isaac Edmondson,
William Wilkins, Joseph Wilkins, William Penniman,
Cumberland Dugan, John Quarles, Lydia Husband, Justus Hoppe,
Joseph P. Plummer, Christopher Deshon, Martin F. Maher, William
Young, Elisha Browne, Jacob Adams, William Baker, junior,
Thomas Sheppard, William Husband, D'Arcy & Didier, J. E. C.
Schultze, H. W. Evans, Joseph Townsend, James Corningham,
William and Charles Winchester, William Browne, David Warfield,
Francis D. McHenry, Richard H. Jones, Isaac N. Toy, Joseph
Cox, Thomas Armstrong, J. B. Bosley, Micajah Alley, John Frick,
Thomas B. Baker, Jacob Lindenberger, George McDowell, Theophilus
Burrill, William Wilson, junior, William McDonald & Son,
James Ogleby, Nicholas Dubois, William Lyon, Amos Browne,
Jesse Hunt, Dallam & Street, William Street, Thomas Ellicott,
junior, George Lindenberger, Samuel R. Turner, Samuel F. Merritt,
Thomas Hedrick, Joseph King, junior, William Cole and
Henry Payson, and such other persons as shall hereafter become
stockholders in the said corporation, shall be, and are hereby created
and declared to be, a body politic and corporate, by the name,
style and title of The Phœnix Fire Insurance Company of Maryland
and by the same name shall have perpetual succession, and
shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in all
courts of law or equity in this state, or elsewhere; and to make and
have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at
their pleasure; and also to ordain and establish such by-laws, ordinances
and regulations, as shall appear necessary for regulating
the concerns of the said corporation, not being contrary to this act,
or the constitution and laws of this state or of the United States. |
Stockholders incorporated. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital stock
of said corporation
shall be five hundred thousand dollars, divided into ten thousand
shares of fifty dollars each, ten dollars on each share shall be
paid on or before the first day of March eighteen hundred and seventeen,
to Daniel Howland, who is hereby empowered to receive the
same for the said corporation; and notes on demand, with security,
shall be given for the remaining forty dollars, to be approved of
by the president and directors for the time being, to be renewed. |
Capital—how to
be paid |