and directed, to levy and assess on the assessable property
of Frederick county, a sum of money not exceeding fifteen hundred
dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expenses which have
arisen, or may hereafter arise, by carrying into execution an act
of assembly, entitled, An act for the erection of a new gaol in
Frederick county, and for other purposes, passed at December
session eighteen hundred and fourteen*. |
CHAP. 4. |
An Act to alter and change the place of holding the Elections in
the Second
Election District in Saint-Mary's County. Lib.
TH. No. 5,
fol. 147.
See 1805, ch. 97. |
Passed Dec 7 |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the judges of elections for the second election district in Saint-Mary's
county, be and they are hereby authorised and directed to
hold, in future, the elections in said district in such house at the
Cliffton Factory as may appear to them most convenient. |
Place of holding
elections changed |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said judges
shall have
made choice of a fit and proper house at said factory for holding
the elections, and shall have returned a certificate thereof, under
their hands and seals, or the hands and seals of a majority of
them, to the clerk of the county court in said county, to be recorded,
the same shall thereafter be the place of holding the elections
for the second election district in said county, any law to the contrary
notwithstanding. |
Return thereof to
be made to clerk of
county |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said judges
shall return said
certificate to the clerk of Saint-Mary's county court on or before
the first day of July next, and the said clerk shall record the same
among the records of Saint-Mary's county court. |
Clerk to record
the same. |
An Act to change and alter the Name of Dion Cotner, of Caroline
to Dion Downes. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 147. |
Passed Dec 7 |
An Act to settle and ascertain the Salary of the Members of the
for the ensuing year. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 148. |
Passed Dec 9 |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
each member of the council shall be entitled to receive, for the
ensuing year, the sum of five hundred and thirty-three dollars and
thirty-three and one third cents, current money, for his salary. |
Salary ascertained |
_____ |
An Act for the relief of James Deane, of Saint-Mary's County.
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 148. |
Passed Dec 10 |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the
levy court of Saint-Mary's county, shall be, and they are hereby
directed and empowered, at their levy court annually, so long as
they shall see cause, to assess and levy on the assessable property
of said county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty dollars, for
the support and maintenance of the said James Deane, and that
the same be collected annually by the collector of Saint-Mary's
county, and paid to the said James Deane, or his order. |
Levy authorised
for his support |