CHAP. 215. |
court of appeals shall be holden, for the eastern shore, at the town
of Easton, on the last Mondays in the month of May (a) and November
in each and every year; and that all process already issued,
or which may hereafter be issued, and all appeals, writs of error,
and proceedings civil and criminal, returnable to and now depending
and undetermined in the said court of appeals for the eastern
shore, shall be returned and continued to the last Monday in May
(a) By 1816, ch. 152, changed to the first Monday in June. |
Not necessary for
all the judges to
attend certain
terms. |
That it
shall not be necessary for the judges of the court of appeals, or any
of them, except the judge of the said court resident of the second
judicial district, to attend the said court to be holden for the eastern
shore on the last Monday in November in each and every
year, and the judge of the said court, resident in the third judicial
district, to attend the said court to be holden for the western shore
on the first Monday in December in each and every year, and it
shall be the duty of the judges of the second and third judicial districts
to attend respectively the said court to be holden for the western
and eastern shores respectively in the months of November
and December in each and every year; who shall respectively have
power to make all necessary rules and orders touching any suit,
action, appeal, writ of error, process, pleadings or proceedings,
returned to the said court for the respective shores, or depending
therein preparatory to the hearing, trial or decision of such suit,
action, appeal, writ of error, process, pleadings or proceedings;
and to call executions, or to enter them not called by consent; and
at each and every such November and December sessions of the
said court, all suits, actions, appeals, writs of error, pleas and
other proceedings, civil or criminal, shall be continued over to the
ensuing May and June sessions respectively. |
Judges not attending
said terms,
clerks authorised
to adjourn court,
&c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the judge of
the court of appeals
required by this act to attend at Easton on the last Monday
in November in each and every year, or the judge of the said court
so required to attend at Annapolis on the first Monday in December
in each and every year, shall not attend as aforesaid on the
said respective days for the purposes by this act directed, the clerk
of the said court is hereby authorised and empowered to adjourn the
said court from day to day until the said clerk can notify one of
the other judges of the court of appeals, who shall attend within a
convenient time, and shall have power as aforesaid to make necessary
rules and orders touching any suit, action, appeal, writ of
error, process, pleadings or proceedings, as aforesaid, and to call
executions, or enter them not called by consent; and the clerk of the
said court is hereby empowered to adjourn the said court from day
to day until the said judge so notified shall attend for the purposes
by this act required. |
Act repealed.
* Ch. 221. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act, entitled,
An act to alter
the times of the meeting of the court of appeals, and for other purposes,
passed at November session eighteen hundred and eleven*,
be and the same is hereby repealed. |