3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when six hundred
shares of said
stock shall have been subscribed, the commissioners shall give twenty
days public notice of the time and place appointed for the subscribers
to meet to organize said institution, and to choose, by plurality
if votes, by ballot, a president and eight managers, five of
whom shall form a quorum, a treasurer, and such other officers as
they shall deem necessary, to conduct the affairs of the company,
until the first Monday in March thereafter, and until a new election,
and to make such by-laws as they shall deem necessary, and
on the first Monday in March in every year, or within ten days
thereafter, said company shall meet for the same purposes, at such
place as the president and managers shall appoint; and in all elections
by stockholders each share shall be entitled to one vote, but no
person or company shall have more than ten votes. |
CHAP. 58.
Election of president
and managers. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the stockholders
in said company
shall be and they are hereby created and erected into a body politic
and corporate, by the name and style of The Westminster and New-Windsor
Turnpike Company, and by the same name shall have
perpetual succession, and all the privileges and franchises incident
to a corporation, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, answering
and being answered, and of enlarging their stock by new
subscriptions if the same shall be found necessary. |
Stockholders incorporated. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sums so subscribed
shall be
paid to the president and managers aforesaid, in such sums, and
at such times as they may appoint, giving one month public notice
of the payment so required. |
Payments, how to
be made. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and
managers be
and they are hereby authorised, to appoint five commissioners, who,
or a majority of whom agreeing, shall lay out the road from the
village of New-Windsor to intersect the Baltimore and Reister's-town
turnpike road, at or near the west end of the town of Westminster,
on as straight a line as the nature of the country will admit;
and after having laid out and marked said road, they shall
make a plot of the same, specifying the courses and distances, and
return it to the clerk of Frederick county to be recorded; and said
commissioners before they proceed to act, shall take the following
oath, or affirmation: " I, A. B. do swear, (or affirm,) that I will
lay out and mark the Westminster and New-Windsor turnpike road
according to the best of my skill and judgment, according to the
directions of an act of assembly, entitled, An act to incorporate
a company to make a turnpike road from New-Windsor to intersect
the Baltimore and Reister's-town turnpike road, at or near the
west end of the town of Westminster; and I do further swear, (or
affirm,) that I am not interested in any land through which said
road is likely to pass. |
Commissioners appointed
to lay out
road. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company
shall open said
road from the village of New-Windsor to Westminster, according
to the location of the commissioners aforesaid, forty feet wide, of
which at least eighteen feet shall be an artificial road, composed of
stone or gravel, and erect and keep up bridges over the streams of
crossing the same, and whenever said road shall be perfected said
company shall be entitled to receive tolls; Provided, that no toll
demanded or taken from any person passing or repassing from one
part of his farm to another, or to or from any place of public worship, |
Width of road.
Proviso. |