either of the cases aforesaid, being lawfully convicted, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by
action of debt in Baltimore county court, in the name of the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, the one half thereof to the said mayor
and city council of Baltimore for the use of the city, and the
other half thereof to the use of the informer, and shall be committed
by the court in which judgment shall be given thereon, to the
penitentiary of the state of Maryland, there to remain and be kept
at hard labour for any time not exceeding the space of five years,
nor less than one year, and until payment be made of the said forfeiture. |
CHAP. 106. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing contained
in this act, or
the act to which this is a supplement, shall be construed to affect
the sale or disposition of silver plate, or manufacture of silver, the
property of any debtor, taken in and by virtue of any execution or
judicial writ, or of any insolvent debtor, which sale or disposition
shall be authorised and made in conformity to the laws of this state. |
Not to affect sales
in virtue of execution. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be
lawful for the assayer
appointed under the act to which this is a supplement, or for
any assayer who may hereafter be appointed under said act, to be
concerned, or any wise interested, in the manufacturing or sale of
silver plate, or manufacture of silver, within the city or precincts
of Baltimore, under the penalty of the forfeiture of his office, and
of the bonds which he shall have given in conformity to the third
section of the act to which this is a supplement. |
Assayers not to be
concerned in manufacture
of silver. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act, and the
act to which this
is a supplement, be and the same is hereby extended to the precincts
of the city of Baltimore. |
Acts extended to
precincts of Baltimore. |
An Act for the benefit of Parker Bowen and Burgess Willett.
TH. No. 4, fol. 364. A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 30, 1815. |
An Act extending the benefit of the Insolvent Laws to certain Petitioners
therein mentioned. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 365. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1815. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Joseph Myers, Thomas Morgan, William Ball, John Fisher, John
Randall, John West, Joseph Stall, Thomas Cloudsley, John B.
Gill, Benjamin Solomon, John B. Jauffret, Samuel McKeel, Bernard
Dornin, Reuben Long, John Craggs, Jacob Gettig, Gabriel
Thomas, John S. Horne, John M. A. Zollickoffer and Elijah Bean,
of Baltimore city and county; Robert Henderson of Frederick
county; Thomas Wayman of Talbot county; Joseph Fitzpatrick of
Anne-Arundel county; Frederick Linthicum of Montgomery county;
Henry Wilmer of Queen-Anne's county, and William Wells of
the city of Annapolis; shall be and each of them hereby is entitled
to receive the full benefit of and final release under the act, entitled,
an Act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, passed
November session, one thousand eight hundred and five*, and of
the several supplement thereto, on the terms and conditions prescribed
in said act; Provided, that it shall not be required of them,
or either of them, to produce to the court to which application
may be made, the assent of two-thirds of their or of either of their |
Persons entitled to
benefit of insolvent
* Ch. 110.
Proviso. |