An Act for the relief of Thomas Murphy and Rachel Evans. Lib.
TH. No. 4, fol. 350. |
CHAP. 93.
Passed Jan. 27, 1815. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the
levy court of Montgomery county be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, so long as they shall see cause, to levy and
assess on the assessable property of Montgomery county, such sum
not exceeding thirty dollars, as they may deem necessary, for the
support of said Thomas Murphy, and the same, when collected,
shall be paid to the said Thomas Murphy, or his order. |
Levy authorised
for his support. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Anne-Arundel
county be and they are hereby authorised and directed, to levy annually
on the assessable property of said county, so long as they
shall see fit, and cause to be collected, a sum of money not exceeding
thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of Rachel
Evans, of said county, to be paid to her order. |
Levy authorised
for her support. |
An Additional Supplement to the act (a), entitled, An act
the Equity Jurisdiction of the County Courts.
Lib. TH. No. 4,
fol. 351.
(a) 1791, ch. 78. See 1815, ch. 163. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1815. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the several county courts of this state may exercise original equity
jurisdiction in all cases in which the court of chancery has now
power to act, in the same manner that they now exercise equity jurisdiction
by virtue of the act to which this is a supplement.
By 1815, ch. 163, the several county
courts are vested with all the powers, &c.
which can be exercised by the chancellor, whether derived
from the common
law, or in virtue of any statute or act of assembly. |
Equity jurisdiction
may be exercised
by county
courts. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each of the judges
of the several
judicial districts of this state, during vacation, shall have the same
power to grant and enforce, within their respective judicial districts,
writs of injunction, in the same manner, and with the same limitation,
as the chancellor of the state can or may exercise.
by 1815, ch. 163, the several judges
in vacation may grant injunctions and direct
any rule, order or interlocutory decree, to be entered. |
Judges may grant
writs of injunction. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of some one
of the associate judges of the several judicial districts of this state,
to attend at the court-house of the several counties in their several
judicial districts, at some day between the several sessions of their
court, who shall have power to make all necessary orders touching
any subject manner in the said respective courts, upon the equity
side, brought or depending therein; and it shall be the duty of the
several clerks of the several counties in this state, to attend the
said judge on the said days, who shall make due entry of all such
matters and things as shall or may be ordered as aforesaid by the
said judge; and the several county courts in this state are hereby
instructed, at their first court next after the passage of this act,
to appoint the several days on which the said judge shall attend as
aforesaid, which said days shall be as nearly as may be equi-distance
between the terms of the several and respective county courts.
By 1815, ch. 163, the county courts
in their discretion may appoint intermediate
terms, to which process shall be returnable. |
Orders relative to
subject manner of
adjudication. |