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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1633   View pdf image (33K)
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Troup's tavern in Emmittsburg, shall not have commenced the
said road within two years after the passage of this act, or having
commenced the same, shall not have completed it within six years
after the passage of this act, then the company incorporated by
this act shall and may continue the road hereby authorised to be
made, from the point at which the said road shall enter the town
of Emmittsburg through the main street thereof to Troup's tavern.


CHAP. 87.

    6.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company shall be and
are hereby clothed with all the privileges, rights, immunities
and advantages, which are held and possessed by the turnpike
companies incorporated by an act passed at November session
eighteen hundred and four*, entitled, An act to incorporate companies
to make several turnpike roads through baltimore county,
and for other purposes, to be governed by the same regulations as
are therein, and entitled to the same tolls; and every clause and
provision of said act, relative to the roads therein proposed to be
made, shall be in force as relates tot he road herein contemplated,
so far as the same are applicable, and not inconsistent with this
act; Provided nevertheless, that if the commissioners appointed for
taking subscriptions at Taney Town and Emmittsburg, under an
act passed at December session 1813 †, entitled, An act to incorporate
a company to make a turnpike road from the turnpike near
Westminster to Taney Town, thence with the main street through
Emmittsburg to Troup's tavern, shall determine to commence the
road by that act authorised, at Westminster, and seventy thousand
dollars shall be subscribed for that route exclusive of the subscriptions
taken at Emmittsburg, before the first day of April next, or
if the said commissioners should determine to commence the said
road at Union Town, and forty thousand dollars shall be subscribed
for that route from that place, exclusive of the subscriptions
taken at Emmittsburg, before the said first day of April next, and
the making of the said road shall have been actually commenced
before the first day of June next, then this act and all the provisions
thereof shall be void and of none effect.
Rights and privileges.

*  Ch. 51.


†  HC. 173.
                             CHAP. LXXXVIII.
An Act for the erection of a new Gaol in Frederick County, and for
                    other purposes. 
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 347.

                                                See 1816, ch. 4.

Passed Jan. 26, 1815.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
the justices of the levy court of Frederick county, be and they are
hereby authorised and directed, to contract for and purchase an
out lot adjoining Frederick Town, or some convenient site therein,
and to cause a new building to be erected thereon, which when
completed, shall be the public gaol of Frederick county; and for
the purposes of defraying the expenses contemplated by this act,
the justices aforesaid shall be and they are hereby empowered to
levy on the assessable property of said county, a sum not exceeding
one thousand dollars; and it shall be lawful for the said justices
to borrow, on the credit of the levy hereby authorised to be raised,
the whole or any part of the sum limited as aforesaid.
Levy court authorised
to purchase a
lot and erect a
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices of the levy court
shall be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to sell and
dispose of all that lot or parcel of ground in Frederick Town, on
To sell lot on
which old gaol

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1633   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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