CHAP. 20.
Passed Jan. 9, 1815. |
An Act to lay out and make public a certain Cross Road in Frederick
County. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 250. |
Commissioners appointed
to lay out
and amend a road.
Proviso. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
William Campbell, Peter Mantz, John Brengle, Abraham Eader,
Jacob Brengle, Benjamin Johnson and Nicholas Brengle, be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they, or a majority
of them, are authorised to lay out, widen, straighten, make,
amend and make public, at the expense of the petitioners for said
road, or such of them as may be willing to contribute thereto, a
cross road not exceeding thirty feet in width, commencing near
the north east corner of Levy Hughes's farm, on the east side of
the Monocacy, and to cross the Linganore creek, near James Robertson's
saw mill, and from thence in the most level and direct
way to the Baltimore and Frederick turnpike road, to intersect
said road between the Monocacy bridge and Charles Howard's
dwelling house, so as to do as little injury as possible to the lands
through which it may pass; Provided, that the said road shall not
pass through any houses, gardens, orchards or meadows, without
the consent of the owners thereof, and that the said road, when so
laid out and completed, shall be recorded among the land records
of said county, and be therefore deemed and taken to be a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other roads in said county. |
Damages to be ascertained. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or
a majority of them, shall value and ascertain the damages that
may be sustained by any person or persons through whose land
the said road may pass, taking into consideration the advantages
and disadvantages the said road may be to such person or persons,
and the damages so ascertained shall be paid on demand to the
person or persons entitled to the same, by the petitioners who are
interested in having said road made. |
Commissioners to
take an oath.
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or
a majority of them, before they proceed to act, shall each take an
oath before some justice of the peace, that he will, without favour,
affection, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages sustained by
the person or persons through whose land the said road may pass;
Provided, that no person or persons through whose land the said
road may pass, and who has signed the petition for the same, shall
be entitled to any damages by this act. |
Passed Dec. 29.
* Dec. 1813, ch. 33. |
A Supplement to an act* to establish a Bank and incorporate a Company
under the name of the Conocochegue Bank in William's
Port, in Washington County. Lib. TH. No. 4,
fol. 251. |
Stockholders incorporated. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
all persons who have or may become stockholders to the Conococheague
bank are hereby made a corporation and body politic, under
the name and style of The Conococheague Bank, and by that
name shall be and are hereby made capable in law to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and
be defended, in any court of record, or any other place whatever;
and also to make, have and use, a common seal, and the same to
break, alter and renew at pleasure, and to make, issue and negotiate,
promissory notes, and generally to do and execute all such |