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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1571   View pdf image (33K)
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    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
Thomas Davis, John H. Riggs, Caleb Bentley, William H. Dorsey,
Ignatius Warters, Thomas Riggs and David Newlin, be and 
they are hereby appointed the first trustees of the said academy;
and the said trustees, and their successors, to be elected in the
manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be and they are hereby erected,
established and declared to be, one community, corporation
and body politic, with perpetual succession in deed and law, to
all intents and purposes connected with the said institution, by the
name and style of The Trustees of the Brookville Academy in
Montgomery county, by which name and title they the said trustees,
and their successors, shall be competent and capable at law
and in equity, to take and to hold to themselves, and their successors,
for the use of the said academy, any estate in any messuages,
lands and tenements, goods, chattels, monies or effects, by the
gift, grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest, of any
person or persons whatsoever; provided the same do not exceed in
the whole the clear yearly value of five thousand dollars; and the
same messuages, lands and tenements, and other estate, real or
personal, to grant again, bargain, sell, convey, assure, demise,
and to farm let, and put out on interest, or otherwise to dispose of
for the use of the said academy, in such manner as to them, or a
majority of them, shall seem most beneficial to the institution, and
to receive the rents, issues, profits, income and interest of the same,
and to apply the emoluments thereof to the proper use and advancement
of the said academy.


CHAP. 12.

Trustees incorporated

    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That at all times for ever hereafter
when any vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the said community
of trustees, by the death, resignation or refusal, of any one or
more of the members thereof, or by the wilful neglect of any one
or more of them to attend two succeeding stated meetings of the
board of trustees, the surviving or remaining trustees, or a majority
of them, shall with all convenient speed, proceed to elect by
ballot, other sensible and discreet person or persons of the county,
to be the trustee or trustees to supply the vacancy or vacancies to
be supplied by the said trustees, and their successors, or a majority
of them, so as to perpetuate the number of seven persons as
trustees of the said academy for ever.
Vacancies, how to
be supplied.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, and their successors,
by the name and style aforesaid, shall be capable in law
to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court or courts,
and before any judge, justice or justices, within this state, and
elsewhere, in all and all manner of suits, complaints, pleas, causes,
matters and demands, of whatsoever kind, nature or form they be,
and all and every other matter or thing to do therein, in as full and
effectual manner as any other person or persons, bodies politic or
corporate, within this state, or any other of the United States, in
like cases may or can do or perform; and the said trustees, and
their successors, or a majority of them, shall have full power and
authority to have, make and use, one common seal, with such devices
and inscriptions as they shall think proper, and therewith to
pass and authenticate the certificates, acts and orders, of the said
corporation, and the same seal at their pleasure to break, alter and
Powers and privileges.

                        VOL. III.                        19


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1571   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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