An Act to incorporate the Baltimore Beneficial Society. Lib.
No. 4, fol. 237. |
CHAP. 10.
Passed Jan. 2, 1815. |
WHEREAS William Kesley, James Chalmers, William
R. Glasgow,
Samuel Krebs, Jacob Deems, Alexander Yearly, William P.
Mills, John Bangs, and others, have formed themselves into a
society for the laudable purpose of affording relief to each other
and their respective families, in the event of sickness, distress and
death, and have prayed an act of incorporation, that they may the
better execute their intentions; and the legislature being desirous
of promoting useful institutions, therefore, |
Preamble. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
William Kesley, James Chalmers, William R. Glasgow, Samuel
Krebs, Jacob Deems, Alexander Yearly, William P. Mills, John
Bangs, and others that now are or may hereafter become members
of the said corporation herein erected, or may be admitted into the
said corporation agreeably to the constitution, rules and by-laws of
the same, and their successors, are hereby declared to be one community,
corporation and body politic, for ever, by the name, style
and title, of The Baltimore Beneficial Society; Provided nevertheless,
that the said corporation may be dissolved at any time by the
consent of its members as is hereinafter provided. |
Members incorporated.
Proviso. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the affairs of
the said society
shall be managed and conducted by a president, vice-president,
treasurer, and acting committee of seven members, to be chosen
annually on the first Monday in July in each and every succeeding
year, in such manner as the said society shall think proper to appoint. |
Affairs, by whom
to be managed. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the present members
of the said
society, and their successors, by their corporate name, shall and
may have perpetual succession, and shall and may at all times
hereafter be persons able and capable in law to purchase, take,
have and enjoy, to them and their successors, in fee or less estate
or estates, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities, chattels, United
States stock, bank stock, registered debt, or other public securities
within this state, by the gift, purchase or devise, of or from any
person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to make the
same, and the same at their pleasure to alien, sell, transfer or lease,
in such manner as they may judge most conducive to the charitable
used of the said society; Provided nevertheless, that the said corporation
or body politic shall not at any one time hold or possess
property, real, personal or mixed, exceeding in total value the sum
of thirty thousand dollars. |
Proviso. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the members of
the said corporation,
and their successors, may meet together on the first Monday
of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and fifteen, at some convenient place in the city of Baltimore, or
in the precincts thereof, and on the same day annually for ever
thereafter, and then and there elect the officers of the said society,
form such rules and regulations, and enact such by-laws as may
be necessary for assuring and carrying into effect the benevolent
purposes of this act; provided such rules, regulations and by-laws,
be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States,
of the state of Maryland, or of the corporation of the city of Baltimore. |
Annual election of
officers. |