DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 162.
Appeal allowed. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any person who may
think himself
or herself aggrieved by any judgment rendered under the provisions
of this act, shall have the same benefit and liberty of appeal,
and upon the same terms and conditions, as is allowed in
cases of debts of a similar amount. |
Repeal of former
laws. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part
of any act or
acts of assembly inconsistent with, and repugnant to the provisions
of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed; Provided, that
nothing in this act shall prevent any person from bringing suit in
the county court for trespass as heretofore used and practised. |
If person cutting
timber, &c. shall
verify his claim to
land, justice to
take no farther
cognizance of
same. |
if the person
or persons so cutting or carrying away timber or wood, shall
claim title to the land on which the same was growing or lying,
or shall allege that he or they acted under any person or persons
claiming title to such land, and shall verify such claim or justification
by oath, or affirmation, the justice before whom the trespass
aforesaid shall be prosecuted, shall take no further cognizance of
the same. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of money for the purpose
of building a Market-House in the Eastern Precincts
of Baltimore.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 208. |
Lottery authorised. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
John McEldery, George Milleman, Adam Denmead, Hezekiah
Price, John Wilkelm, Hermanus Alricks, Daniel Conn, William
Stansbury, Arthur Mitchell, Thomas Kelso, Thomas Hillen and
James C. Dew, or or a majority of them, be and they are hereby
authorised to propose a scheme of a lottery, and to sell and dispose
of tickets therein, for raising a sum of money not exceeding
ten thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a market-house in
the eastern precincts of Baltimore. |
Bond to be given. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
persons proceed
to make sale of any ticket or tickets in the said lottery, they shall
give bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of twenty thousand
dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly conduct the
drawing of said lottery, and apply the money arising therefrom,
within six months after the drawing thereof, to the payment of the
prizes drawn therein, to the adventurers to whom they shall be due,
and to the necessary expenses incurred in the management thereof,
and the residue towards the building of a market-house in the eastern
precincts of Baltimore. |
To be recorded in
clerk's office. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall
be lodged
with the clerk of Baltimore county court, to be by him recorded
among the records of the said county, and upon such bond, or any
office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted for any breach
or noncompliance with the condition thereof. |
Tickets may be
sold in any part
of state. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or
a majority of them, be and they, or any person or persons appointed
by them, are hereby authorised to dispose of and sell all or any
of the tickets in said lottery in any part of the state, and in the city
of Baltimore, exclusive of any control of the same by the corporation
of said city, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. |